Toeiva Marriage to Get Vote in NJ Thursday

corzine.jpgThere will in fact be a vote on same-gender marriage in the lame duck session of the New Jersey state legislature on Thursday, is reporting.

“We’re gonna post the bill and see what happens,” Senate President Dick Codey told us.

Codey, and even sponsors of same gender marriage legislation are skeptical if there are enough votes to pass in the State Senate.

For days now, Codey has been weighing whether or not to allow a vote in the waning days of this session, which ends next Monday.

“The members for the most part said go ahead and post it,” Codey explained in coming to his decision, while acknowledging there was a minority of his fellow democrats who urged him not to bring it to a vote.

Codey said he will post it for debate and a vote Thursday afternoon.

If it does pass the State Senate, it would go to the Assembly which would also have to debate, and then hold a final vote on Monday, the last day of the session.

Outgoing Governor Jon Corzine has said repeatedly that he would sign it into law if it passes. Incoming Governor Chris Christie, who takes the oath of office January 19th, has said just as many times that he would veto it if it ever gets to his desk.

(Source: NBC New York)

2 Responses

  1. Outgoing Governor Jon Corzine has said repeatedly that he would sign it into law if it passes.

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