Levaya Of Reb Yosef Hoffman Z”L (Husband Of Mrs Ilsa Hoffman A”H – Niftar Three Days Ago)

candle911.gifYWN regrets to inform you of the passing of Reb Yosef Hoffman Z”L, of Monsey, NY, following the sudden passing of his wife just three days ago.

This past Shabbos, Mrs Hoffman A”H had called Hatzolah for her husband who had R”L suffered a stroke. While the ambulance was driving to the hospital, she suddenly had a massive heart attack. Hatzolah Paramedics attempted to save her life, but were unable to. Her Levaya took place on Sunday, and her Kevurah was on Har Hazeisim.

Reb Yosef Z”L had remained in critical condition until his passing.

The Levaya will be held at 7:00PM Tuesday evening at the Yeshiva of Spring Valley, at the corner of Maple and Main Streets in Monsey. The Kevurah will be in Eretz Yisroel.

The Aveilim include a daughter, Mrs. Rochel Lemberger from Toronto and three sons, R’ Nosson Hoffman, R’ Yaakov Hoffman, and R’ Binyamin Hoffman.

Shiva will be held at 9 Sylvan Road in Monsey

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

18 Responses

  1. he was a very nice man and this is a real tragedy we should know no more sorrow.thanks to him abig part of the monsey yeshivas,schools & kollim are standing.

  2. Wow nebech Buruch Dayan Emmes.
    Someone told me that a few weeks ago a nephew went to visit him and his Uncle told him that I promised my wife that she will never be a Almuna.
    He was a big bhal tzudaka and helped out a lot of people with parnusa.
    We should only hear bsuras tovos

  3. Reb Yosef was, I believe, the founder of Bais Mikra and the kolel which was known as the Brisker Kolel. At one time, when his own business interests were very successful, he was personally responsible for supporting the yungerleit. He was a talmid of Ponevez, back in the early days, and a mekurev of Rav Shach and of Rav Moshe Soloveichik. His father was a renowned surgeon and a mohel in Frankfurt-am-Main and later in Yerusholayim.
    Mrs. Hofman was from the Adler family who founded Adwe pharmaceuticals and brought kosher and Pesachdik products to the American orthodox community long before any large company was interested in obtaining hashgocho to serve our needs.
    These are two people who really accomplished a lot for our community, and raised a wonderful family, even when they suffered terrible tragedies they accepted them with true emuna.

  4. Baruch Dayan Haemes! Much nechama to the dear family and may these 2 people who were married for years and passed away within days of each other, be melitzim yesharim for the aveilim and Klall Yisrael! A terrible tragedy and may we never know from any sorrow only besuros tovos! Amen!

  5. Hamakom Yenachmeim B’soch She’ar Aveilei Tzion V’Yerushalyim! UNBELIEVABLE
    Hane’ehovim b’chayaihem uvmosom lo nifrodu

  6. to # 2
    how can any ehrliche yid promise something which is only up to the hashem ?!?!?!
    please leave the bobee maysiss out of here!!!

  7. Hi, as far as i know this is the former Father-inLaw of R’ Zvi Kaplan R”Y “Yeshivas Kodshim” in Yerushalyayim (known as “R’ Zvi Kaplan’s”)

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