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Third Uninvited Guest Got Into White House Dinner

obsd.jpgIt turns out that Michaele and Tareq Salahi weren’t the only uninvited guests at the White House state dinner in November.

According to the Secret Service, a third interloper at the dinner honoring Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has been identified.

In a press release Monday afternoon, the Secret Service said that the person traveled from a local hotel, where the official Indian delegation was staying, and arrived at the dinner with the group, which was under the responsibility of the State Department. The person went through “all required security measures” along with the rest of the official delegation at the hotel and boarded a bus or a van with the delegation guests to go to the White House.

“At present, there is nothing to indicate that this individual went through the receiving line or had contact with the president or first lady,” said the Secret Service. The release does not say whether this third person was questioned or charged.

The Secret Service release notes that unlike the rest of the members of the official delegation, the third individual was not entered into the White House’s WAVES visitor screening system. And it says that procedural changes have already been implemented to address foreign delegations under the responsibility of Department of State that are entering facilities secured by the Secret Service.

The press release confirmed reporting of author Ronald Kessler earlier in the day on Kessler is the author of “In the President’s Secret Service,” in which he argues that budget and workload constraints have led the Secret Service to begin “cutting corners” in presidential security.

In a story posted at 10:26 a.m., Kessler wrote that that the Secret Service re-examined video of arriving guests at the Indian dinner and attempted to match the images with the guest list. “The agency spotted an African-American man wearing a tuxedo who had not been invited,” Kessler wrote.

“He appeared to be with members of the Indian delegation. Checking further, agents found that a State Department official had picked him up, along with others from the Indian delegation, at the Willard InterContinental Hotel and had driven him from the hotel to the White House.”


6 Responses

  1. if he’s injured or worse maybe there’ll be a civil/racial war, or maybe they’ll find a way to blame us. it only takes a couple of loud antisemites after something like that.

  2. “an African-American man wearing a tuxedo who had not been invited…”

    Why wasn’t the tuxedo invited? 😉

    (Sorry, I’m an editor.)

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