Secret Service Investigates Obama Effigy

oef.jpgAn effigy of American President Barack Obama found hanging in former President Jimmy Carter’s hometown has sparked a US Secret Service probe.

The large black doll was spotted dangling from a building in Plains, Georgia.

It was hanging from a noose in front of a red, white and blue sign that said: “Plains, Georgia. Home of Jimmy Carter, our 39th President.”

A witness told WALB that the doll, apparently discovered on Saturday, wore a sign with Mr Obama’s name on it.

Alonzo Davis, from Plains, south of Atlanta, told the TV station: “People have seen it and have the pictures but nobody is talking about it.

“I don’t think it’s right, I don’t know if it’s someone horse playing or what.”

Trevor Simms, also from Plains, said: “It’s wrong with what they did, but I’m not shocked by it.

“It’s a nice place to live, a nice place to visit, but some people are just like that – they don’t like it.”

In Washington, Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan confirmed the agency was investigating the case.

(Source: Sky News)

12 Responses

  1. Threatening the president is a federal offense, and has been for generations. A century ago the US realized it was leading the world in number of leaders assassinated (three in 36 years), and we did something about it (since then, only one killed over a 109 year period).

  2. Oh akuperma, you must be thrilled the Secret Service is investigating it. I bet you would be happier if a Republican was behind it too.

  3. akperma,

    We’ve been lucky. Presdents Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt, Truman, Ford (twice), Reagan, and Clinton were the targets of failed assassination attempts. Mayors of New York and Chicago have been assassinated, as were Congressman Leo Ryan and Senator Robert Kennedy — the last by a Palestinian terrorist because of his support of Israel.

  4. Hi akuperna,I didn’t here from you in a while. This is a typical comment for you. A what happened to free speech? Oh I forgot that’s a right only for a liberal.

  5. I got a better one for you akuperma. A liberal put up that effigy so there can be an excuse to go after the Republicans especially now using Interpol now that the President has written an executive order overturning the one signed by Reagan to protect the civil liberties of Americans who happen to be investigated by Interpol. It figures the Idiot in Chief would do that. Wouldn’t want Republicans to attack the President, now would you?

  6. Flatbush Bubby,

    Why don’t you wait until we find out who perpetrated this offensive act?

    And calling the President of the United States the “Idiot in Chief” is beyond the pale. According to some opinions, a Jew is halachically obligated to say a blessing in his presence. The United States has been a better place for Jews than any other place in galut and we should give proper respect to its elected leader even if we disagree with his policies.

  7. BS”D

    He is indeed the Idiot in Chief and just as Jews called Antiochus Epiphanes Antiochus Epimanes (meshiggener) we have the right to call this incompetent exactly what he is. This is especially the case as he sets out to endanger the lives of Jews living in EY with his coercion that Netanyahu has already caved in to.

    Nevertheless, this effigy is dumb and just a way to look for trouble. Probably the work of some good old boy with three teeth and sixty IQ points.

  8. BS”D

    A brocho in his presence? We no longer hold by Meshane HaBriyois when seeing one of Obama’s origins, do we? I know this was true at one time but I was told it no longer applies.

    I hope that Jews in the US will be able to say Boruch Sheptarani on Nov 4 2012.

  9. BSD actually the above should read Nov 6 2012 but considering that polls will probably show he has no chance, it would be just as easy to celebrate on Nov 4 which will be a Sunday :).

  10. 6 (CharlieHall), Asher Yotzar?

    9, we will have to wait 2 more days in 2012. Election Day is Nov 6, only 1036 days away.

  11. frankly, I’m appalled at the racist comments you editors allow. It’s just like reading the antisemitic stormfront sites. They say the same things about the president and blacks & jews in general. I’m embarrassed that there are Jews out there who allow themselves to accept these ideas.

  12. Dear Mandy. not any worse or even close to what “rev” wright was oozing for the last 20 or so years,when our dear president was attending his church. Or the “white interloper” or”used camera salesmen” or “diamond merchants” comments made a few years ago by the president’s friends. What’s the matter you forgot already? What is it a one way street for the jews? always getting dumped on? Stop being a liberal heart liberal,and call the shots as you see them. Call a spade a spade!

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