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A New Bostoner Rebbe & A Special Shabbos In Boston

br.jpgThis past Shabbos, Parshas Veyechi, saw a Shabbos Hisachdus in Boston MA presided over by the new Rebbe, HaRav Naftoli Yehuda Horowitz Shlita. Aside of members of his local community, the Rebbe was joined by Chassidim from all over the USA as well as visitors from Eretz Yisroel, who flew in specially to be with him.

The Shabbos gathering was in honor of the shloshim of the Rebbe ztzvk”l which fell on Sunday night 18th Teves. The Rebbe spoke at each of the Shabbos seudos, as well as at Kiddush on Shabbos morning, on each occasion dwelling on another of the middos of his father and stressing how awesome a task it was to follow in his footsteps.

Before mincha the Rebbe gave a special chabura of divrei chizuk for all those who came in for the Shabbos where he spoke on ‘titein emes l’Yakov, chessed l’Avraham, explaining that although Avraham was an antecedent of Yakov, emes is mentioned first as it is necessary to understand what emes is in order to do true chessed, and that his father was first and foremost an ish emes which enabled him to reach such pinnacles of chessed.

On Motzei Shabbos the Rebbe was a guest of honor at the 11th Annual Beis Yakov of Boston Melave Malka speaking of his father’s great achievements in Boston where, despite his great love fro Eretz Yisroel, his real ‘chiyus’ was. That theme expanded on the divrei Torah and chizuk expressed by the Rebbe, and the various local Roshei Kollel, Roshei Yeshivas and Rabbonim who shared their thoughts on the Rebbe ztzvk”l during Shabbos when at each of the Shabbos tischen the room was packed as local residents came to give their chizuk to the new Rebbe.

Sunday night, on the Shloshim, a highly charged emotional evening of Hespedim for the Rebbe ztzvk”l, attended by hundreds of people from the greater Boston area and beyond, took place in the Brookline New England Chassidic Center.

Speakers were the Rebbe Shlita, Rav Yehuda Kelemer, Rov of Young Israel of West Hempstead, the noted New York Psychotherapist and author Dr. Meir Wikler, and a grandson of the Rebbe Rabbi Pinchas Frankel.

There was a very real sense that the Rebbe ztzvk”l was in spirit in every corner of the Beis Hamedrash he learned and davened in for so many years, as each of the speakers brought out different aspects of his gadlus in Torah and gaonus in Chessed. Each of the speakers, together with Dr. Yosef Dovid Hollander, Magid Shiur in Beis Hamedrash Bais Pinchas who introduced the maspidim, finished with very warm heartfelt words of divrei brocha to the new Rebbe. Following the hespedim there was a siyum mishnayos and l’chaim tisch.

NOTE: As YWN has previously reported, three brothers have assumed the leadership of their father, and are all equally called Bostoner Rebbe. Click HERE for more info.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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