Clinton Foundation’s 2009 Donor List Revealed

clint.jpgDuring Hillary Clinton’s first year as secretary of state, some foreign governments again gave generously to the foundation of her husband, former President Bill Clinton – but others have not.

Norway gave again last year, with a cumulative total exceeding $10 million, as did Oman, whose total is between $1 and $5 million. But according to the list made public by the Clinton Foundation, other past foreign donors – including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, the Dubai Foundation and Brunei – did not give in 2009.

During Hillary Clinton’s confirmation hearings to head the State Department, some lawmakers pressed her on whether she might face a conflict of interest if foreign governments or companies gave to her husband’s foundation with an eye toward currying favor with her or influencing American foreign policy.

In the end, the Clintons agreed to make public their donor lists, and to have government ethics lawyers review new donations by foreign governments.

The Clinton Foundation’s mission is to fight disease and poverty around the world.

Among companies receiving government bailout money, Bank of America again donated in 2009, but prior donors AIG, Citigroup, General Motors and Freddie Mac did not give in 2009.

One interesting entry on the list: Christopher Ruddy, who wrote some of the most scathing criticisms of Bill and Hillary Clinton in the 1990s on ethics matters, and founded the conservative news agency Newsmax.

(Source: CNN)

One Response

  1. These same Arabian peninsula nations also give to foundations that give to PETA, the Sierra Club, ACLU, etc., etc., etc.

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