Crown Heights Woman Forced At Gunpoint Into Her Apartment, Robbed

chshomrim.gifCrown Heights – A Jewish woman was accosted and robbed at gun point inside her apartment building shortly after Shabbos ended.

Crown Heights Info reports the following: 

The victim, a young married woman walked into the apartment building she lives in, 742 Montgomery Street, and was met by two black males in the elevator as she rode up to the sixth floor. After entering her apartment she heard a knock at the door and one of two men she met in the elevator forced his way into her apartment while pointing a gun in her face.

The two perpetrators were described as both being black and wearing all black clothing, one being in his mid-to-late teens, while the other in his early twenties.

One stayed in the hallway as the other entered and demanded that the woman give him cash, which she did and the two suspects fled.

Ten minutes before this incident occurred the same two perpetrators attempted to rob another person, a Bochur, on the corner of President Street and Albany Avenue. In a similar fashion the duo walked up to him, pointed a gun at him and demanded that he turn over any cash he had on him.

After explaining that it was Saturday and Jews did not carry money on them one of the two checked his pockets and after not finding anything they fled down Albany Avenue towards the scene of their next robbery. The Bochur immediately called 911 after the incident.

In the second incident the woman called the Shomrim hotline in hysteria saying “I was just robbed by two black guys in my apartment, please come quickly, come quickly” many Shomrim volunteers were dispatched and responded to the scene, and police were alerted as well.

After Shomrim spoke with the victim Hatzalah was called to check on the woman, who was visibly shaken and traumatized.

Many police officers responded including detectives, lieutenants and captains all of whom interviewed the two victims and went out on patrols in attempt to locate the suspects, which so far have not been apprehended.

“Keeping a building secure is a team effort” said a Shomrim coordinator at the scene, adding that “wedging items in the door to keep it open over Shabbos poses a serious security risk, which can lead to incidents such at these.”

This building has been the scene of a number of very disturbing incidents in the past, including a robbery of a 50-year-old woman, and two incidents in which girls were assaulted in the hallways.

(Source: Crown Heights Info)

6 Responses

  1. No! The two perpetrators were described as both being black? Who would have thunk it? All I can say B”H they only wanted money
    I’m sure the Rev. Al Sharpton will give a stern rebuke to the perps.

  2. I do not understand why it is so important to say the color of the perpetrators.

    We’re not going to catch them now.

    Maybe if they had been white it would have been okay?

  3. Expand the rights of gun owners and you will see how this type of crime will drop. Gun ownership actually decreases crime.

  4. what’s the matter with you people? They have to VENT? remember those words from MAYOR Dinkins? and stop profiling. Maybe they were white? Norman Siegel from the ACLU said so.

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