Chasidish Family Has First NYC Baby Of 2010

bbo.jpgWPIX Reports: Just 13 seconds after the ball dropped, baby “new year” came bouncing into the world.

“We’re proud, very happy, very excited,” said proud mom Brucha Strulevich, who hasn’t even picked out a name for the third addition to her family of all boys.

Following Jewish Orthodox tradition, the child will be named at his Bris.

The baby boy was delivered at Mount Sinai Hospital, which almost had the first baby of the year in 2006. That child arrived at 11:59 and 48 seconds, 12 seconds early.

“It was a very pleasant surprise,” said Doctor Michael Silverstein, who delivered the child. Silverstein says he was in induced and should have been delivered at noon New Years Eve, but the little guy fought to stay in, giving doctors and unusual battle that lasted more than 12 hours.

“Just took forever and ever,” he said.

Both baby and mother are doing fine.

The little bundle of joy weighed in at just 5 pounds, 1 ounce.

But, the family said the timing of the arrival was big surprise, especially for mom.

“We didn’t expect the baby to be the first baby of the year,” she said smiling.

(Source: WPIX-TV)

18 Responses

  1. Mazel tov may the parents have lots of nachas from him and all their children, though i fail to see the excitement in being the 1st baby of 2010 which should have no significance to frum yiden at all.

  2. Mazul tov only simchis from all of us. #1 not everything do you have to dissect. Facts are in our daily life we consider it a new year. what date do you put on your check book it is exiting to have the first baby of the year.

  3. Chaimpious you must have no children. It doesn’t mean anything to be #1, 2, or 3 of be the first baby born of the new year, but it does add to the historical record of the year and the child will be forever remembered in the paperwork of history. If he should go on to be a great Rabbi later in life, it will only further add to history, and the parents, frum or not, will only be more proud tomorrow than the day before. Mozel tov to the proud mom and dad. May the child bring much nachas to his parents and to his community and nation.

  4. #1, oh puhlease. What else is she supposed to respond to WPIX-TV when they come to interview her? Sounds pretty generic and appropriate to me.

  5. Of course it is exciting to have a baby, but it is not a new year, just another day for frum yidden! If you are a frum yid why would you be excited about the goish year changing. You may say that it is not a big deal, but it certainly is a big deal because it just shows how some of us are so assimilated and are into everything goish, gourmet food in supermarkets i am not mentioning on this website, Chanukah sales, etc etc. We are yidden, we don’t care about the ball dropping or babies being born on the goish new year.

  6. Imagine if she would have refused the interview, what the Goyishe Velt would have said…. Insular Jews….Let them stay in their ghettos….. She did the right thing.

  7. To #1 –
    there’s a video clip I saw where she says outright that they don’t celebrate this New Years and basically says she doesn’t get the fuss.

  8. #3 of what relevance and what impotant is it to be known who was the first child of a certain year. HISTORY?what HISTORY/

  9. #9 where do you take this hogwash that the ‘kedushas levi’ wished a new year. i will only accept referances from his sefer ‘kedushas levy’ not what you heard in mikvah,coffee room in shul etcetc

  10. #16 its not much of a zechus to have a baby on shabbos or yom tov. there is actually a tfilah some daven that it shouldnt happen so as not to cause unnecessary shabbos violation (not everybody is a buki in the halachos after all)

    YASHAR KOIACH TO THE Family for an outstanding kiddush hashem.passed the test w/ flying colors imho. much nachas. omein

    oh and yeah

    pu pu pu pu pu pu pu pu

  11. #16 even if someone knows who the first baby was they couldn’t get the video or write so I guess u will stay without knowing…

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