Vandals Attack Two Sacramento Synagogues

ss.jpgVandals have hit two Sacramento synagogues — including one that had previously been destroyed by arsonists and rebuilt.

Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department detectives spent New Year’s Day morning at the Kenesset Israel Torah Center on Morse Avenue in Arden Arcade. That’s where vandals spray painted offensive graffiti and damaged the building. “666” and “Satan” were spray painted in black on the brick facade of the center.

Rabbi Ian Bailey saw the messages of hate this morning. “It could be any type of people who are drunk or real Neo-Nazis. We don’t have any clue right now.”

The Center reopened in 2006 after being destroyed by arson in 1999. Two brothers, Benjamin and James Williams were convicted in that attack as well as fires at two other synagogues and an abortion clinic.

A mile away from the Torah Center on Northrop Avenue more vanadalism with the numbers ‘666’ and ‘Satan.’ This time vandals spray painted cars and the sign of a nearby apartment complex.

Sacramento Sheriff’s Department sergeant R.L. Davis said, “We think they are possibly going to be related, but we can’t say that for sure becuase we haven’t caught anybody.”

The sheriff department is also investigating vandalism at the Congregation Beth Shalom on El Camino Real in Carmichael. It looks like the roof may have been spray painted months ago, but was only discovered today.

The Kenesset Israel Torah Center plans to clean up the mess on Sunday.

(Source: CBS13)

One Response

  1. This is especially infuriating to me. I davened there when i got stuck in Sacramento over shabbos 2 years ago. (thank you jetblue). This is a wonderful and friendly kehilla that even allowed non-jews who were “interested in gayrus” to join their kiddush when i was there. The baal mussaf was from monsey, the baal koreh from flatbush, etc… A heimeshe crowd forced through employement concerns to relocate. I wish them well. They have a website where you can donate. i think a shul like this needs and deserves our support more than most others.

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