73-Year-Old Woman Killed By Oil Truck In Boro Park

ma.jpgAn elderly woman was R”L struck & killed by an oil truck on Thursday evening.

73-year-old Fanya Pinkaskik A”H, was struck in the intersection of Ft. Hamilton Parkway and 49th Street – just in front of Maimonides Hospital – at approximately 5:00PM. Boro Park Hatzolah removed her in traumatic arrest to the hospital, where she was R”L pronounced dead. She had no ID on her, and Askonim worked feverishly to find out who she was. Approximately, 3 hours later, Hatzolah received a phone call from an elderly man saying that his wife never returned home…. The family was taken to the hospital, and made a positive ID.

Misaskim Volunteers was present on the scene to do their Avodas Hakodesh on the scene, and her Levaya was held on Friday morning at Shomrei Hachomos Chapels at 11:00AM. The Kevura is taking place in Old Montefiore Cemetery.

Although it had snowed on Thursday, and was raining/sleeting at the time of the accident, it is not known if the weather was a factor in the accident.

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.

(Moshe Altusky – YWN)

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