1 Million Pack Times Square To Watch The Ball Drop For 2010

tsb.jpgApproximately 1 million people packed into Times Square on Thursday night to witness the ball drop welcoming in 2010.

The temperature at midnight was around 34 degrees and considering the bitter blast that slammed the tri-state area earlier in the week it felt downright balmy.

Revelers were shoulder to shoulder.

Crowds cheered as the main attraction rose to the occasion. But getting that prime spot for the ball drop was a time-consuming task. Police searched every single person before allowing them into barricaded pens. Alcohol, backpacks and bags were banned.

With terror fears running high this year, security experts said thousands of police, counter terrorism, and FBI officers were strategically posted in every corner of Times Square as well as security cameras and devices to detect explosive materials.

(Source: WCBSTV)

19 Responses

  1. Happy new year everyone and a personal one to flatbush bubby. May this year be a year of simchis yishuis and mashiach should come.

  2. r u people out of your minds we have one new year and thats Rosh Hashana to even use the goyish years is a question in itself ……but to publisize and glorify a goyishe new year is just wrong
    shame on you yeshivah world

  3. Smart2 Please lighten up!! The article said millions pack Time Square. The ywn is not promoting or suggesting we celebrate the goyish new year. However as a Frum Jew I will be writing 2010 on my tzdekah check tomorrow. I really think it is okay they put it on this site.

  4. Smart2, Exactly which part of this headline did you notice the words “NEW YEAR”? take it easy!Relax, and get a good nights rest.

  5. what es a crystal ball in Times Square have to do with news in the Yeshivish world.

    i come to this site to learn news that concerns the Yeshivish world, when i want to know what is going on in Times Square i will go to CNN, Fox or elsewhere.

    why do i have to find GOYSHE news about crystal balls in this so called Yeshiva World News.
    sorry, to the critics, it is just wrong to put this trashy uninteresting news on this website.

    And to SharonRivka i am sure CNN will be happy to inform you what date to put on your Tzedakka check that you dont need YWN to give you this important piece of info.

    As frum Jews (i beleive) we dont need YWN telling us how people celebrate to welcone 2010.

    and to you, iztheman, there are news sites and news sites and as mentioned this is a Yeshiva World News website, NOT a secular GOishe 2010 Tzedaka check welcome news website.

    shame on you YWN!!!!!

  6. y is this news for yeshiva world??

    btw rumor has it- their clocks were 3 minutes slow.. making the drop at 12:03… so the whole thing is… jan fools day

  7. Oh, come on. Save your outrage for the horrific beating death of a 2-year-old murdered al kiddush Hashem at the hands of her father!

  8. Ok so we have one yid saying stating that “May this year be a year of simchis yishuis and mashiach should come” and another yid saying that we have “we have one new year and thats Rosh Hashana ”

    It seems to me that the Yeshiva’s have failed. We should all review the first Mishna in masechta Rosh Hashanah (Arbaah Roshei Shanim) We have four new years people

  9. I would like to point out to all the fools out there talking about the end of the decade that the decade isn’t over till after the 2010 calendar year. Just because it makes you feel good to call it a new decade doesn’t make it a new decade. Its noontime now & if I tell you its nighttime does not make it nighttime …. its still day!!

  10. One of the great tzadikim said that the secular New Year is a great day for Klal Yisroel because the it makes us look great till now the satan could say that we didn’t daven so well on Rosh Hashona but now we are defended because look how we spend our New Year immersed in tefila and, lehavdil, they spend it …

  11. to all u “yeshivishe” people who only want “kosher” news. if u care so much about not seeing “goyishe” news then y r u on the internet to begin with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! shame on you!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. to # 12
    murdered al kiddush hashem?!?!!
    wat r u talkin about? kiddush hashem?!?! [ just bec. the child was murderd doesnt make it al k. hashem!!! ]

  13. #6 – Agreed.

    #12 – Don’t worry, there’s plenty of outrage to go around.

    #14 – Takeh. Good point 🙂 (if said a little nastily)

    #17 – To see YWN, of course!

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