Seven CIA Workers Killed in Afghanistan, Six Injured; CIA Base Chief Among Dead

cia.jpgSeven CIA employees were killed and six others injured in yesterday’s terrorist attack at a base in eastern Afghanistan near the border with Pakistan, the agency said in a statement today.

President Barack Obama told Central Intelligence Agency employees that their colleagues who died were “patriots who have made great sacrifices for their fellow citizens and for our way of life.”

“In recent years, the CIA has been tested as never before,” Obama said in the letter to agency employees, which was released in an e-mail from the agency.

The attack occurred at a forward operating base in Khost Province, CIA Director Leon Panetta said in a separate message to employees. The names and details of the employees’ work won’t be released “due to the sensitivity of their mission and other ongoing operations,” the agency said.

The CIA statement didn’t provide specifics on how the attack occurred or who was responsible beyond saying it was “the result of a terrorist attack.”

The Taliban claimed responsibility, Agence France-Presse reported earlier. The chief of the CIA base, a mother of three, was among those killed, according to the Associated Press, which cited former agency officials.

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4 Responses

  1. What??? “a terrorist attack.”??? Don’t they mean a “militant” attack???
    Obama has banned the word “terrorist”.

  2. How sad.

    It burns me up that in the name of feminism and all this nice equality stuff they sent a mother of three over to the most dangerous job on the planet.

    Poor little three children. Children need mothers more than they need fathers, it’s a known fact by every people. Except for liberals.

  3. So goeth the new rules of engagement of the Obama administration. It has nothing to do with ensuring that American foreign interests are protected but with ensuring that Obama is re-elected in 2012.

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