Chicago: Currency Exchange Owner Found Slain In Car Trunk Near Telshe Yeshiva

chip1.jpgChicago – The body of a currency exchange owner who was shot to death was found overnight in the trunk of his car parked near his Northwest Side business.

He was identified by the Cook County medical examiner’s office as Brian Choi, 55, of the 200 block of Heather Lane in Wilmette. State records show him as the owner of the Foster Currency Exchange, 3443 W. Foster Ave.

That business was cordoned off with police tape this morning. Police had to force entry to the establishment. Evidence technicians could be seen inside.

Choi’s body was found by police about midnight in Choi’s 2006 Hyundai Sonata that was parked around the corner from the currency exchange, in the 5100 block of North St. Louis Avenue – on the block of the Telshe Chicago Yeshiva. A relative had requested police to make a well-being check when Choi did not return from work yesterday, WGN said.

He had been shot at least once.

A surveillance camera on a nearby church possibly may shed some light on the crime, and police asked the church for its video footage.

(Source: Chicago Breaking News)

8 Responses

  1. In three days time, Obama will issue a statement clarifying his original statement declaring that there was indeed a castastrophic failure in Chicago…

  2. To ploni ben ploni. Come back for a visit. You’ll find out that the Yeshiva has purchased the old Blind Home accross the street and turned it into a dorm. That property extends from Drake to St. Louis. This incident happened right out the back door of the new dorm on St. Louis.

  3. When Telz opened the yeshiva in 1960 the entire area for blocks around was Jewish, with many frum families all around. The main building used to be the Adas Yisroel shul which the Adas sold to Telz about 40 years ago. Today the area is entirely goyish, mostly Korean and Chinese. The dorm was blocks away so Telz decided to buy the building across the street. This way the bochurim wouldn’t have to walk through a goyish area to get to the yeshiva.

  4. the store is just acroos the street from the ‘Red Rooster”.

    This story is “Shever as a bear” mamash scary but not suprising.

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