Rush Limbaugh Hospitalized In Hawaii

rush.jpgHONOLULU – Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh is staying overnight in a Honolulu hospital after he was admitted Wednesday afternoon in serious condition, according to local news reports.

Limbaugh, 58, was sitting in a chair in his 9th floor hotel room at Kahala Hotel and Resort when paramedics arrived, local ABC affiliate KITV reports. Sources told the news station that Limbaugh informed emergency crews that he was having chest pains and had been taking medication for back pain.

Limbaugh was reportedly rushed to Queen’s Medical Center around 2:45 p.m. local time.

Limbaugh is staying at an Oahu resort about 30 minutes from where President Obama and his family are spending the holidays.

The following was posted on Limbaugh’s website: Rush was admitted to a Honolulu hospital today and is resting comfortably after suffering chest pains. Rush appreciates your prayers and well wishes. He will keep you updated via the website and on Thursday’s radio program.

(Source: Politico / Dov Gordon – YWN)

22 Responses

  1. Mr. Limbaugh is one of the few true friends Klal Yisroel has amongst the nochrim.

    He also happens to be good friends with Nochom Segal and his brother, who gave him a VIP tour (including visiting the PM, DM, and other gov’t officials) of Israel over 15 years ago.

  2. 4, and that’s so sad. I personally don’t think he has a great ego. He seems like a nice guy (though his personal life’s been a wreck, maybe because he doesn’t have enough of an ego). He’s a friend of ours, we are grateful that a lot of people agree with him, but it’s not pashut to listen to his show 15 hours a week, even if you turn the volume down during those occasional warnings.

  3. #5 that woesnt funny. We all owe hakoras hatov to Rush,he does for the yidden and israel more than any political power out there. Rush I hope you get better soon!

  4. I personally stopped listening to Rush and to Hannity after the Gush Katif expulsion.
    These two guys who don’t hesitate to talk about EVERYTHING under the sun in the world of national and international politics, especially when it has to do with right-wing versus left-wing, suddenly had absolutely NOTHING at all, ZERO, to say about 9,000 Jews getting expelled from their homes and their communities being destroyed and turned over to the yishmaeli savages.
    I believe it was because they were so tight with the George Bush-Condoleeza Rice administration (which wanted the expulsion) that it was more important to them to maintain that relationship than to speak out (like they do about everything else) against the stupid, disgusting, insane expulsion of the Jews of Gush Katif.
    As far as I am concerned, they sold their souls to preserve their “in” at the White House, and I have no use for them.

  5. Of all the big anti-rush talkers, I truly wonder how many REALLY listened to him for an extended period of time. Rush always said you had to listen for at least SIX straight weeks before you began to “get” the show.

    While it is a show I would not necessarily have my youngsters listen to (I wouldnt really have them listen to a “frum” morning radio show with Kol Isha on it either!), I have no doubt that many of the naysayers on YWN as well as the moron who wrote the AP story DO NOT and DID NOT listen to him. Rather that regurgitate what they hear from someone who ‘happened’ to have the radio on and it picked up his show. That, or they are jealous that Conservative Radio slaughters the left wing anytime.

  6. To Mark Levin #12 – I would be very glad to be informed of what the “something” he “did” was?
    I was a regular listener and big fan of both Hannity and Rush (especially Hannity) and was very disappointed by their deafening silence on the Gush Katif expulsion. If I am wrong, please tell me what I missed.

  7. mark levin, I want to thank-you very much for sticking up for Rush. I too wonder how come people who so readily criticize Rush really listen to him.

    I am praying for a refua sheleima for Rush. Israel and the Jewish people have not had a better more consistent friend on the radio than Rush. I should know. I have been a Dittohead from 1993.

    Refua Sheleima Maharushi.

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