VIDEO & PHOTOS: Bein Ish Ubein Achiv’s Fourth Annual Shabbos of Chizuk

bi.jpgVIDEO & PHOTO LINKS BELOW: Bein Ish Ubein Achiv hosted their fourth annual Shabbos at the Sheraton hotel in Parsippany, New Jersey. Close to six hundred people attended the Shabbos Hisvadus. Those in attendance were patients and their families, prominent Rabbonim, entertainers, volunteers and sponsors.

Bein Ish Ubein Achiv is so much more than an organization though. With Rabbi Yitzchok and Frumy Horowitz at the helm, Bein Ish Ubein Achiv is a surrogate family to countless seriously ill patients and their families. For over eleven years, hospitals have been the home-away-from home, where Frumy serves as the angelic mother and sister of families devastated by serious illness. Leading chesed organizations have acclaimed Frumy for raising the bar on the standards of chesed. Frumy and her entire crew—all volunteers—are completely dedicated to fulfilling their patients’ and families’ emotional, physical, financial and spiritual needs in every conceivable way and then some.

The beauty of the Bein Ish way of caring is that it doesn’t have a standardized program of giving, but instead is entirely customized, on an ever shifting basis, to fulfill an individualized need. Fully stocked apartments are open to families coming for treatment from abroad. First class entertainment is provided when a boost is needed.  Frumy takes teenage girls on shopping sprees. Roses, homemade challahs and an assortment of other treats from pies, to doughnuts, to chocolates and platters of fresh fruit, are lovingly delivered every Friday afternoon. In the wee hours of Friday morning, Frumy prepares challah dough and brings it to the women in the hospitals, so that they can mafrish the challah with a bracha. It is then baked, packaged and driven back by dedicated volunteer Shloimie Gombo, who distributes the freshly baked challahs, to families staying in the hospital for Shabbos.

Recently, Bein Ish added three brand new apartments in the Boro Park area for patients arriving from Eretz Yisroel for treatments. The apartments were redone and magnificently furnished complete with matching linens and towels, and modern appliances including washing machines, dryers and all the conveniences of a standard home.  The families, are also provided with accounts in nearby grocery stores, and can shop for their daily food worry free. Bein ish also rents bungalows in the summer where the families can come for a Shabbos or longer, and catch up on much needed rest. Bein Ish’s summer camp, Camp Shmeichel offers the patients an incredible summer of fun and laughter. More importantly, Shmeichel’s goal is to make the patients’ feel like every other kid attending summer camp.

The amazing Shabbos of Chizuk was just one of the many forms of caring intrinsic to Bein Ish Ubein Achiv. The Shabbos Hivadus began on Thursday evening as car after car pulled up to the impressive, grand hotel. Color coordinated packages containing chocolates, gifts and a beautifully monogrammed leather bound siddur were placed in guest’s hotel rooms. Cozy matching pajamas, wrapped so lovingly were distributed to the children. Bein Ish Ubein Achiv began working its magic immediately. Guests were invited into a spacious, circular room surrounded with glass windows overlooking an icy lake and snow covered grounds. A flickering fireplace within set the tone of the shabbos -filled with warmth, love and inspiration. Families were treated to a plentiful supper complete with hot dishes and salads. The ambiance was further enhanced by a stirring kumzits. Moving melodies were sung as patients sat by the fireplace and were visibly moved by the soul stirring songs.

Friday was quite eventful as Bein Ish volunteers planned a day for the families that included non stop action and fun. The day was full of enjoyable activities such as an Uncle Moishe concert, creative arts and crafts, and swimming in an indoor heated pool. In addition, families were given the opportunity to take individual and family portraits with professional photographer Shalom Neuman.

Shabbos descended upon the hotel and with a magical glow: A Shabbos Hisvaadus, a Shabbos of connection. What a beautiful Friday Night it was!  Shtreimlach joined hands with hats, yarmulkas, and patients visibly affected from grueling treatments, in singing and dancing L’kavod Shabbos. Chazzan Issac Honig accompanied by Chilu Posen and the Mezamrim inspired the guests with an uplifting kabbolas shabbos.  Prominent rabbonim in attendance were The Chuster Rav of Boro Park, Rabbi Shmuel Noach Mermelstein R’’M in Yeshivas Novominsk, Rav Fishel Schechter dynamic speaker and noted mechanech, and the Rudnicker Rav – Rav Halberstam. AJ Greenwald and his energetic counselors performed skits to keep the children entertained whilst the parents enjoyed the seuda and speeches undisturbed.

Following the Seuda the crowd was treated to a sumptious sweet table where Bein ish volunteers baked a wide array of appealing cakes and delectable desserts. Reb Yankel Miller, the famed badchan entertained the crowd with his unparallel unique humor. Lipa Schmeltzer treated the crowd with his own talented grommin. The tears of laughter quickly turned to tears of inspiration when Shimmy Engel sang Yonosan Schwartz’s” Menchele Menchele”.  A special  program was arranged for the women – dynamic speaker Rav Fischel Schechter infused the women with hope and a renewed strength of emunah. Throughout the entire Shabbos, Rabbonim could be seen with families in different corners of the hotel giving over words of chizuk and encouragement.

A beautiful Shachris was led by Kuppy Elbogen followed by a powerful mussaf led by Sruly Williger. After davening, an elaborate, lavish Kiddush was prepared by caterer Moshe Naftulli Guttman of Guttman caterers who catered the event with his inimitable flair. The exotic dishes and elegantly displayed delicacies wowed the crowd. Herrings and dips were sponsored by noted philanthropist Yiddy Banda owner of Pomegranate who attended the Shabbos. During the Shabbos Seuda Rav Fishel Schechter relayed a moving story with the message being that one should steer their pain, tefillos tears for another yid, instead of focusing on their individual matzav.

Divrei Chizuk Shalosh Seudos was given by Rav Mermelstein. Rav Mermelstein expounded upon the relevance of the “shivim nefesh”and their applicable role in today’s generation. He explained that just as they were the first yiden to go down to galus by choice so to all the cholim and their families sitting here, are today’s shivim nefesh that are mekabel the pains of galus upon themselves bahava.

After havdalah the crowd assembled in the main ballroom for a spectacular Melave Malkeh which served a full milchige buffet. The program was filled with star performers which included Avraham Fried, Lipa Schmeltzer, Srully Wulliger, Nechemia Brodt and Shloimy Daskal. Comedians Hilly Hill and Abba Winkler had the crowd rolling with laughter with their hilarious humor. Heads of other renowned organizations joined the Melaveh Malka in support and recognition of Bein-Ish and its volunteers, including Simcha Scholar and Shlomo Mayer executive V.P.s of Chai Lifeline, and Shlomie Reichberg of Mekimi.

Bein Ish felt it was imperative to give patients that much needed lift between grueling treatments, and therefore decided to integrate the Shabbos Hisvadus into the patients\ Bein Ish calendar. The Shabbos provides the patients with a “chiyus” that they desperately need throughout the year. Zeesh Mermelstein, organizer of the Bein Ish Shabbos commented to sponsors that when one gives a dollar to Bein Ish one hundred pennies is used to benefit patients and their families.

All who were present at the Shabbos Hisvadus felt the immense impact that the Shabbos had for the patients and their families. As one person remarked “This past Shabbos has provided me and my family with the koach that we need all year.” 

Bein Ish U bein Achiv- there every step of the way!

VIDEO & PHOTO LINKS: Click HERE for photos, and for videos of Avraham Fried singing click HERE, HERE, HERE & HERE. (All videos taken by Shezoli)

(Written by: Michal Mermelstein)

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