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Judge Orders New Square Kosher Poultry Plant Shut

kapn.jpgA federal judge has ordered a New Square kosher poultry slaughterhouse padlocked for unsanitary conditions that pose a health risk to the community.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office filed papers asking Judge Stephen C. Robinson to temporarily stop New Square Meats from slaughtering and processing chickens following years of attempts by the USDA to bring the plant into compliance with the federal Poultry Products Inspection Act.

A lawyer for New Square meats did not oppose the government’s efforts to close the plant during a hearing today in U.S. District Court in White Plains. But he asked that the plant be allowed to continue operations for two weeks for the community and the plant’s owners to find another source of poultry for the community.

Government lawyers opposed that, saying the risk of illness or worse was too great to allow the plant to continue operating.

Robinson agreed with the federal government.

(MORE At The Journal News)


6 Responses

  1. It’s terribly sad. It just looks like that “if your frum, anything goes”. Just yesterday there was a posting on YW from a mashgiach in a food kitchen who couldn’t stand the dirty and unsanitary conditions, while the owner just didn’t seem to care.

    I don’t see any reason why the rabbonim who are in charge of supervising kashrut shouldn’t be putting equal emphasis on cleanliness and hygiene of the food outlets they are supervising. The mitzvah of “Unishmartem M’od L’Nafshosechem” isn’t any less important than “Lo Tochal kol Toevah”.

    I think it’s about time that kashrut, in general, became de-commercialized. As long as the rabbonim and mashgichim are “corporate shareholders” in the facilities they’re supposed to be supervising we can expect to be eating traif and despicably unhygienic food (or a combination of both, by consuming the roaches and rodents that roam freely in some of those kitchens).

    It’s unfortunate that the debacle in Monsey 3 years ago taught us nothing.

  2. as I have been saying, ANY story in the journal ‘news’ regarding yidin has to be taken with a grain of salt. I am one thousand percent sure there is more to this story than what was reported im that glorified piece of fishwrap.


  4. Something is missing from this story or perhaps I’m lacking in reading comprehension skills: the report says that the lawyers argued to be allowed to continue operations despite health haZards while an alternate source of chicken is found. What?

  5. # 1- you make 0 sense
    firstly why do u believe what you read from a goyishe newspaper known to be anti Semitic ?
    secondly- if in fact your name is daas torah- then follow its halachos & principles & don’t accuse & be motzie shem ra

    3rd of all- what shiachas does the trief story from 3 years ago have to do with this?

    i used to own a food plant- the inspectors in all cases find something to fine you & keep thier job security- so they can keep coming back…
    i dont know about this chicken factory therefore i will not comment- plz do the same & be dan l’kaf z’chus

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