Op-Ed: Give Me My Blanket…

ywe5.jpg[Op-Ed By Yossi Gestetner] By now you sure have heard of the new airline regulation which prohibits people from standing in the aisle; using the bathroom; and to be covered with a blanket during the last 60 minutes of a flight’s route.

This comes in result of the attempted attack on the NWA flight, where a 23 year-old went to the bathroom in the last hour of the flight to prepare his explosive device, then when he was back at his seat, covered himself with a blanket to conceal that he is igniting a device.

This new regulation is crazy to the least, psychotic to its worst. Because God-forbid if a terrorist does try doing the same thing in the future, he will do his shtick 90 minutes before landing, instead of 40 minutes before. So what exactly was gained by this new rule?

Furthermore, if someone will try it three hours before landing, will we altogether prohibit blankets from being on planes? Or… will airlines lock and remove all the restrooms and replace them with a few more passenger seats?

Implementing these rules, gives the impression that the ability of terrorists carrying out attacks in mid-flight has to do with blankets and bathrooms, and not that authorities ignore the real problem. Namely, that more than most terrorists’ acts are carried out by young men from middle eastern countries, and/or with Muslim names.

Instead of taking away my blanket or prohibiting me from using the John, authorities should focus 80% of their work on the usual suspects rather than driving crazy all of America.

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.

To read more from and about Yossi, visit www.yossigestetner.com.

(Yossi Gestetner – YWN)

20 Responses

  1. I think the main idea behind it, is as the plane is landing, the flight attendants are busy with all sorts of things, so they can’t keep an eye out for the passengers as well (which is probably why the terrorist attack happened then). During the rest of the flight, the attendants are walking back and forth, it’s more difficult for a terrorist to pull something off.

  2. I think that the biggest problem is that most security agencies worldwide ignore the method used by Israeli security. The Israelis do profiling by speaking to/and engaging with everyone boarding one of their flights. They are trained to look for “tells” and inconsistant verbiage.

    The “rest of the world” seems to be putting out fires after the flame, and NOT train their people to identify individuals who are security risks.

  3. Here is the solution:
    Get all the Abdullas/Mohameds/Omars of this world their own transportation.
    Between Iran, Lebanon & Syria only.

  4. Profile and how,be a racist or they will blow you up ,they chap it you dont.Any one with a Arabic name or look is taken aside and gone over. You want to be fair with all people,you fool they will blow u up, You are simpletons, they are smart, and wayyyyy ahead of you. They mean buisness and you dont.THE LACK OF RACISM WILL KILL US.The good guys will get their face shmashed.

  5. #4 – Wow thats a great idea!! I can’t believe no one ever thought of that! Someone just tell Obama, and we’re all saved!

    Yes, that was sarcasm.

  6. This whole PC thing is whats killing everyone. Lets have racial profiling and zeh hu! Enough of this we cant do a security screening on ahmad but we would do it on a 90 year old grandmother.

  7. To go to the root of America’s problems: as we know, “birds of a feather flock together”. The corrupt, inept and morally deficient men and women of the PINO Obama Administration reflect what their “chief” is. So, remove him, by indictment (plenty of treasonous acts); impeachment (ditto); mental incompetence. For further thoughts, see American Thinker; Big Government websites.

  8. Number 10, your suggestion is good; however, those in the House of Representatives and Senate seem to have less intelligence and seem more corrupt than Obama. Senators and Representatives are not going to remove someone who facilitates their selfish wishes. We are going to have to vote in as many new non-democrat members of the House and Senate as possible next November (2010) to stop, slow-down, or reverse the socialist changes of the Obama-Biden-Pelosi administration.

    And as number 3 stated, we need to eschew personal safety over political correctness and do security the way Israel does it, and do it without apologies!

  9. Flights arriving into Ben Gurion are locked down at least 40 minutes before landing. The Israelis clearly new something long ago that others chose to ignore. Yes, one more inconvenience, one less optional trip I will take because of the hassles, and yes, time for real racial profiling – cut the PC BS.

  10. What everyone is forgetting to mention is that the terrorist was in a sitting position when he tried to detonate his underware.

    Therefore I believe all seats should be ejected off the plane one hour before landing and/or to make it easier just have no seats on the plane at all.

    Bathrooms? If this is the choice of terrorists then we should ban all bathrooms in public places. You need a bathroom then stay home.

    Water, toothpaste, sizzors, combs, brushes were all used as weapons on September 11 so the ban on these weapons should still stay in place and add on blankets and underware now. And take out row 19 from all planes.

    What I don’t understand is why the war on terrorism or whatever it is called these days cost so much. I heard Obama saying that this year cost for Iraq and Afghnistan will be in the billions.

    Forget about healthcare. Can’t we save money by getting rid of bullets and machinery and just give our troops the same weapons that terrorist are using on America?

    Give toothpaste, combs, brushed, razors, soap, shampoo, plastic bottles to our troops and of course buy the stuff in China and we will save billions if not Trillions of dollars.

  11. The reason that the terrorist attack was planned within an hour of landing is to inflict more damage. I plane that fall into the ocean cannot kill more then the actual amount of people on board. When you are approaching a metropolitan area such as Detroit, the population density is much higher. So when the plane goes down, it takes with it all those on the ground. As far as the Israeli security, Denmar’s airport from where this flight originated is actually contracted for security by the Israeli security company. I guess they missed that one. If only they would have the ability to cross all the names against international terror watch list, which this terrorist apparently was on, he would have never been let on that plane. And checking young people with Muslim names traveling alone from questionable destinations is not a racial profiling; it’s a high probability risk factor. If police are responding to a shooting and the witness says that the perpetrator was 6 ft tall black man, then they should look for a 6ft tall black man, since that is the description of a suspect.

  12. Islam should be targeted for investigation under the RICO laws as it is an organization RESPONSIBLE for criminal activities that include not-for-profit charity fraud, to mass murder. No?

    Also, what is wrong with profiling people who are solely responsible for committing certain crimes, and, who not only profile in Muslim based countries, by deny people because of their race, religion, creed, or national origin.

    Save a life! Profile.

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