Pope Delivers Message After ‘Mass’ Attack

pope.jpgThe pope looked unscathed Friday as he delivered his message in St. Peter’s Square, just hours after a woman jumped a barrier and dragged him down during Mass.

Pope Benedict XVI, 82, was not injured when an assailant, identified as Susanna Maiolo, lunged at him during mass Thursday night, Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi said.

Maiolo, 25, is the same woman who tried to attack the pontiff on the same night last year, Lombardi said. She was detained by Vatican police and then taken to a mental institution, he added.

The pope was quickly helped to his feet by his aides — prompting cheers from the crowd — and the service resumed, Lombardi said.

(Source: CNN)

39 Responses

  1. start learning rashi in toldos and you will see why this should be reported, not to mention all the various gemaras which talk about this specifically.

    and on what a night to happen!
    and directly on top of the stolen keilim of the bais hamikdash!

    amazing story.
    never before in history

  2. which rashi is #3 referring to, my first instinctive reaction was like 1 and 2 that this is not Jewish news. Who cares about the p—- and all the foolishness of the goyim? What significance does this have?

  3. As the old saying goes: Is that good for the Jews?

    Post #3: No offense, but I have to disagree with every statement in your post.

    1) Which Rashi in Toldos? Why don’t you just learn all the Rashis in Tanach, and all the gemaras that talk about everything in general? Your statement is meaningless.

    2) There is nothing significant at all about December 25th. And she picked that night because it was Dec. 25th, because THEY think it’s significant. Also, it’s because he was visible in public.

    3) There are probably no stolen keilim of the Bais Hamikdosh in the Vatican. At least it has never been proven. It’s just the sort of thing yeshivah kids like to tell each other. (The Vatican itself didn’t even exist until around the 5th century.)

    4) Nothing amazing about this story.

    5) It is NOT the first time in history. The article says that she did the exact same thing last year on Dec 25th! So what do you mean “never before in history?” Besides, there have been some 30 assassinations and assassination attempts in papal history, over the past 2,000 years or so. In recent history, John Paul II escaped one assassination attempt, and some say that John Paul I was poisoned to death (though this is not proven).

  4. It might not be an Issur to look at the pope but it cant be a good thing for the neshomah to look at the cross that the pope is holding.
    By informing us of this event it might make someone look further into te story and end up reading all about todays holiday and events in Rome.
    Is this what Yeshiva World has come to?
    If theres nothing to write then leave it alone and wish everyone a Good Shabbos!

  5. I think it’s important for everyone to realize to what extent respect for religion has deteriorated in society. It filters down to us as well, and we all need chizuk against it.

  6. U ppl are the same that denounced the guy that brought the news that Vashti was killed!!! of course somethng as momentous as this has a connection to Yidden!!! When Esauv falls on his greatest moment, it means that Yakov will now arise!!!! Never in history has this happened!!! Ppl dont be blind!! see the Geulah thats coming & swiftly!!

  7. I personally think this news is vital to anyone that is concerned with what happens in the world. If something were to happen to the avi av hatumah, it would affect us as well. We don’t live in a bubble!

  8. #9

    As for you statement That there is nothingsignificant at all about December 25th for us Yidden, you are incorrect. Look in the Ohel Aryeh written by Rav Leibel Katz where he writes that Al Pi Kabbalah there is a רוח רעה on the Earth on that day, and we should refraim from certain things. Page 104, footnote 53.

    As per your assertion that “There are probably no stolen keilim of the Bais Hamikdosh in the Vatican”. If memory serves me correctly, Rav Hutner ZT”L was granted permission to view them, which he did.

  9. Dear Editor,
    While I appreciate the forum in which you allow readers to provide candid and valuable feedback, there are instances when morons like post #8 take advantage of this freedom, and voice hurtful words of intolerance and distaste. Is this the type of retort that you think people need to read? I would love to see the reaction of your supposedly educated readers if a post was written on some Catholic site denouncing a Rabbi, and blanketing all Jews as foolish. You should be ashamed, both as a fellow Jew but more objectively, as an editor of what used to a favorite publication of mine. This is Yeshiva WORLD News, not a hate spewing publication that now reminds me of the KKK.

  10. BS”D

    I wish Ms Maiolo much success with her next attempt, and hope that her stay in the mental institution is a short and fruitless one.

  11. To all of you who say there is some sorta ‘message’ here, can you please be specific?? The Pope is fine!!!
    Had he been even slightly injured, you may have had a point.
    On the contrary, an 82 year old man was attacked and emerged unharmed. An outsider can read this and pride themselves that this was a miracle, and who is publicizing that? YW??????

    Totally not appropriate for this site.

  12. #3 – I am no biblical scholar. Could you please explain?

    #9 – I have a friend whose grandfather worked in the Vatican. He saw the keilim.

  13. SHOCKED! SHOCKED! SHOCKED! at Yeshiva World for including the photo of the tumah – the klipah – itself. Why in the world did YWN find it important to post this story? Who cares? SHAME ON YOU!

  14. first of all…they did not pick DEC. 25 out of a hat…it coincides with the roman holiday for their sun avoda zarah “mithras” and a festival in honor of their avoda zara of agriculture “saturn” the gemara i believe discusses the latter…im not sure where…as for the keilim, that has been verified many times over by many rabbonim who have either visited the vatican or sent emissaries

  15. #26, Those posters are from Israel, Austrilia or some other place where Shabbos had already ended. The timestamp is most likley using the server which is located here in North East in the US.

  16. BS”D

    I live in Eastern Europe, same time zone as EY. However, the time stamp seems to be one hour out of whack. I was not near a computer at 11.57 NY time even though Shabbos had already ended. I probably posted at 12.57 PM NY time.

  17. what i cant seem to understand is why many people here are up in arms about YWN posting this news article. oh, it’s Christian news so it shouldn’t be posted on a Yeshiva website. is that it? so why don’t you complain about the multiple articles posted about the attempted bombing of that plane? the terrorist wasn’t a Yeshiva bochur, and neither was the heroic passenger. Some of you just seem to feel a little uncomfortable being exposed to the wider world. why is pope news any different than news about sunni-shiite fighting in iraq, which for some reason people seem to care about? is it because he represents the institution which systematically tormented our people for a millenium? if you haven’t realized that at some point everyone hates the jews, then maybe you should go read a history book. Muslims did it, Christians did it, atheists did it…everyone’s got a reason to hate the jews.

  18. #25 Daas Torah said to publish the photo of the klipah itself??? What’s the purpose of putting a photo of the tumah? We think it was daas baal habayis and not daas Torah. Please let us know WHO this daas Torah is? We would like to contact him.

  19. to y.w editor if you have gotten a psak from daas torah please explain what he said you wrote to ask that we should ask our rov I did and he didnt have an answer if you are going do something which people are not sure about please provide an halachic basis just saying daas torah is not good enough people need a halachic explanation im sure daas torah did not just tell you to post this story and not explain why without doing so leads to lifnei eever and loshon harah so please prevent this by giving an explanation thank you

  20. #35 It was YWN that posted the photo that’s not according to halachah so you have the responsibility to provide the source for doing this for all your readers, unless you are lying that it’s daas Torah – which is very likely the case. This photo probably falls in the same category and the same halachah in Shulchan Aruch as saying that a location is next to this and this tiflah.

  21. Apropos to the last few comments I too have been curious, haven’t been energetic enough to call my rav and ask, as apparently this is something that chachamim should be able to get (as per comment 17). I’m not bent out of shape over this, just wondering. If this isn’t something that is better not to say in black and white in such a public forum, maybe the editors can distill it for us.

  22. I’m not one of the people complaining that this was on YWN. However, since other people complained, it did make me curious. I read through all Toldos and couldn’t find anything. I asked my rav and he didn’t know. So what is the answer?

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