The Story of a Determined Choson

chupa.jpgA heavy winter snow storm put a serious damper on travel plans for a choson, who hopes to walk down the chupah in Yerushalayim today, Wednesday, December 23, 2009.

The choson, whose family resides in Antwerp, was planning to fly back to Eretz Yisrael on Tuesday, but the heavy snow resulted in the cancelation of many flights, and an El Al flight was simply too booked for him to arrange a seat.

The choson returned to Antwerp for an aufruf this past shabbos, and now, he faced the challenge of making it back to Yerushalayim in time for the chupah. Determined to achieve this noble goal, he headed to Milano (Italy), but there too, the El Al flight was too booked. He did not despair, and from Italy he headed to Switzerland, met again with disappointment.

Finally, he headed to Bucharest (Romania), where temperatures are warmer, and he was met with success, apparently arranging to get on a flight at night, putting him in Ben-Gurion International Airport in ample time to walk down the chupah in Yerushalayim.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

15 Responses

  1. a Groiser Mazel Tov.

    may he head out to the Chuppa, right foot first and be Boineh a Bais Neeman Beyisroel.

    and may this story be the biggest obstacle he will ever have to overcome in life.

  2. very nice story. let this be a gentle reminder for all us marrieds how determined to do the right thing we all were in the beginning of our marriages. now the challenge is to continue to be so determined when we are married. so many couples today are turning to the ‘easy’ (hard) method when road gets bumpy….and the family and children suffer instead of them growing from the challenge.

    mazel tov dear chosson. may you and your wife be zoche to build a bayis neeman byisral

  3. B”H, what a great story. He is probably chassidish – it’s great to see, as known, that European chassidim are quite capable of finding their way around the world.

    I wouldn’t hold an Israeli chassidishe bochur capable of getting around like that. 🙂

  4. So interesting how almost every wedding seems to have some sort of something happen the day of the wedding that makes things a bit crazy to manage… but then the weddings subsequently turn out beautiful. Better the craziness take place before the blessed event rather than during the wedding itself!

  5. # 12 at the end everything falls into place- i’ve seen it from experience – no matter how organized you are or want to be there are always b”h things happening and we all get there!
    This should be their worst episode in life…

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