BlackBerries Hit By Third Major Outage

ywbb2.jpgBlackBerry users this afternoon have reported another outage affecting the smartphone platform’s BlackBerry Information Service. The failures appear broader than the primarily mail-related delays from just last week and now also affect web browsing, BlackBerry Messenger and third-party apps that use Internet access. RIM has been contacted by Electronista for commentary but hasn’t yet had the opportunity to respond.

The issue represents the third such failure within weeks and comes just as RIM is counting on continued strong sales to buffer itself against competition from the iPhone, which may come close to or match BlackBerry sales based on some analyst estimates.

RIM’s system has previously drawn criticism for its heavily centralized nature that passes many messages and some other data through its own servers. The technique is key to the BlackBerry’s push e-mail delivery but has resulted in numerous outages, particularly for individual users that don’t have a BlackBerry Enterprise Server. Most competitors, like Android and iPhone, have service-independent push that usually depends on the using widespread standards like IMAP to deliver mail at near real-time.

(Source: Electronista)

8 Responses

  1. I strongly agree with # 2.

    The Blackberrys are a curse, and many Rabbonim (even some who have never commented on the michshol of the Internet) have come out very strongly warning Yidden against Blackberrys.

    Nobody in the world will disagree that all t’filoh b’tzibur, shiurim, chuppas, nichum aveilim, quality time with spouses and children have been to a vast degree destroyed, all because of the scourge of the BB (gun). It also causes the greatest road danger to drivers who are sober. I did a little survey on my own of BB users, asking people the content of their textings. In over 90% of the cases they were trivial, mundane “sicha bateila”, accompanied by forwarding the latest “shtuss” news bulletins (many coming from this website, or even worse ones). When I posed the question if the BB users found that they were indulging in more forwarding & receiving loshon horah & r’chilut, the vast majority of my “contestants” answered very powerrfully in the affirmative. When we thought we had already seen the worst in the form of TV, Internet, and the like, the Satan has delivered this terribly pervasive nuisance.

  2. #3 and #5, what message are you talking about? The one from YWN? I saw that on my Home/Office computer where I dont disturb people around me who are trying to daven with loud ringers or alert beeps. My home phone? Lashon Hara? Do they go hand in hand? Is that a fact? Blackberry’s in a Bais Medrash in the middle of Davening, while waiting for Kedusha or the Chazzan to finish Shema is assur! If you ask me where is it written, talking with you is a waist of time!
    #4, turn off your ringer and I wouldn even know that you were not interested in Davening. Its amazing to see so many people crying about the economy, and yet spend time with their precious Blackberries instead of Davening! Give me a break!

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