NYPD Using New Tape Designed To Keep Gawkers From Sullying Crime Scenes

cs.jpgThe NY Daily News reports: The NYPD recently started using a new black-and-yellow tape marked, “CRIME SCENE DO NOT CROSS” to keep gawkers from tramping over crucial evidence.

The tape – which is a bit different from the famous tape that blares, “POLICE LINE DO NOT CROSS” – is meant to ward off curious onlookers, mostly other cops who show up at the scene of high-profile crimes even if they have no reason to be there.

“Too many guys want to show up just to be seen,” a Brooklyn supervisor said.

The NYPD has been roping off the outer perimeter of crime scenes with tape that still says, “POLICE LINE” – but now, it’s blue and white.

That tape keeps passersby at bay, sometimes a block away from the actual crime scene. At a few scenes in recent weeks, a Daily News reporter watched pedestrians walk past the blue-and-white tape, apparently not used to the new color scheme.

One cop was heard grousing at one scene that the blue-and-white tape still hasn’t registered with New Yorkers.

A recent department memo warned that only VIPs can walk past the new “CRIME SCENE” tape – the NYPD’s equivalent of a velvet rope.

“Only authorized personnel, who are properly trained and equipped, are actively involved in the investigation of the incident, and whose presence is absolutely required, will be permitted to enter the crime scene perimeter,” the memo says.

(Source: NY Daily News)

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