Twitter Hacked By ‘Iranian Cyber Army’

twit.jpgA group calling themselves the Iranian Cyber Army crashed Twitter last night.

The microblogging site was hacked by the anti-American group – shutting it down for more than an hour.

Visitors to Twitter were automatically redirected to another website, which had a green flag with English and Arabic writing saying: “This site has been hacked by the Iranian Cyber Army.

“The USA thinks they control and manage internet access, but they don’t. We control and manage the internet with our power, so do not try to incite the Iranian people.”

Twitter said that normal service had been restored.

There is speculation that the cyber attack was in revenge for the role Twitter played in the election protests earlier this year.

The site was widely used by angry Iranians protesting against what they believed to be an unfair election result.

(Source: Mirrer UK)

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