NYCHA Revokes More Than 3,000 Section 8 Vouchers

nycha.jpgSome New York residents hoping to use Section 8 vouchers to help pay for their housing may be out of luck.

The New York City Housing Authority is revoking more than 3,000 Section 8 vouchers, averaging about $800 a month toward housing.

The vouchers have already been distributed to people who were counting on them to help subsidize their costs.

NYCHA officials said they had to void the vouchers because Congress cut $58 million from its Section 8 budget last spring. They also said the program’s turnover rate in the program dropped by half and there was more demand than expected.

An agency spokeswoman said officials waited more than six months to cancel the vouchers with the hope that funds would be restored and more apartments would become available.

NYCHA officials said they are working aggressively on the federal and local levels to secure funding to meet the demands for the program and working with other city agencies to help those affected, who could now end up homeless.

(Source: NY1)

7 Responses

  1. Section 8 housing creates blight and slum conditions in the midst of every city where vouchers are issued. Left to their own devices, the recipients, many of them welfare kings and queens with long histories of mental illness, alcoholism, and drug addiction, will live in rescue missions or on the streets with their worldly goods in stolen store shopping carts. They engender an emotional response of either pity or disgust. We are all the poorer for it.

  2. I’m happy to hear. As a “middle class” grouped citizen, it’s impossible for me to move to a bigger apt because I’m too “rich” for section 8 and too poor to afford the astronomical rent amounts.
    Maybe this will cause the rents to get lowered a bit.

  3. Without judging any individual, when a person at any level of the economic spectrum is expecting something, budgeting accordingly, and then is told it is being revoked, this is a terrible thing. Now I will judge: This is not something Bloomberg mentioned would happen if he were re-elected. A lot of things AFTER the election are very disappointing. Maybe he can be revoked for a misleading campaign?

  4. #1, maybe you should be loadnlock, because if you lock THEN load, you cant load, and the vessel remains empty. You know nothing about any one individual, even the drug addicts, yet you have a strong condemnation of these people.

  5. Locknload:

    What anti-Jewish group do you belong to?

    Many of the frum families in Brooklyn and Lakewood depend on Section 8 to help them make the rent. Many kollel families could hardly survive without Section 8 and food stamps. Are these families plagued by “mental illness, alcoholism and drug addiction”? Do they “engender an emotional response of either pity or disgust?”

    What have you got against poor Jews? We don’t all own banks, you know.

  6. Couple of things. NychA should have never given out these vouchers in the first place being there was no certainty that they would be renewed in the next budget. That was wrong on their part.

    There are to many folks out there that pump out kids and then they depend on the government to fund them. That is wrong. This needs to stop! If you can afford it, have all the kids you want, but stop expecting us to bank role your family.

    If you know anyone who is scamming section 8 or their project housing from nycha do the right thing and contact the proper authorities by calling 311.

  7. My thing is this, you down and tend to judge everyone that is recieving Section 8. Not everyone that is on Section 8 are drug addicts, alcoholics or have mental illness. What about those families in which the parents where hard workers for years, never depended on the government to help them with anything (foodstamps, cash assistance or medicaid). Unfortunately, they happened to be laid off, both, mother and father cause the job could not afford to keep them at the time. Decided to apply for Section 8 because of being afraid of losing their apartments. My husband and I happen to be that family, who have been looking for work to provide for our family but is unable. Only God can judge us and I feel that just because you have your job and life still intact, do not mean that you can down our lives. I will pray for you, that you will never have to go through what we are going through, but then again, if you did, then you’ll know how we feel right now…God Bless

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