Porush’s Website & The Rabbinical Ban

porush1.jpgAccording to a page one story in Monday’s HaMevaser, the kol korei released on erev shabbos by Gedolei Yisrael Shlita against chareidi internet sites has indeed had an impact on the tzibur.

While HaMevaser is owned and operated by Deputy Education Minister Rav Meir Porush, it is also noteworthy to mention that he too runs his own website, a site which also hosts a forum.

Yitzchak Nachshoni of the popular Chadrei Chareidim website came out strongly against HaMevaser, accusing Porush of deceiving the tzibur and acting to gain support of a number of prominent askanim while hiding behind his chareidi newspaper while operating a website too.

ib1.jpgHaMevaser reports that a number of prominent chareidi businessmen have cut ties with chareidi websites in response to the Gedolei HaDor Shlita.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

15 Responses

  1. Maybe it’s time that YWN removes the comments and the coffee room. And just stick to the NEWS.
    There has been alot Rechilos and Loshon Horo printed in the comments.

  2. oh and thanks for not being chickens and posting my comments. yashar koach. ywn is a mentch. not afraid of some constructive criticism

  3. Yes, the time has definitely come for YWN to eliminate Comments, or at the very least, to run them in a separate window. YWN also needs to do a much better job of editing the articles themselves to match the sensibilities of its readers (and hopefully even of halacha).

  4. Yes, the time has definitely come for YWN to eliminate Comments, or at the very least, to run them in a separate window. YWN also needs to do a much better job of editing the articles themselves to match the sensibilities of its readers (and hopefully even of halacha).

  5. I say the comments should be limited to new information, in support of or against the article. With a source or something like that. All other comments should not go through.

  6. Soon freedom of the press and expression will be illegal in Israel and the USA as it was in USSR and Nazi Germany and you’ll have to be so careful of what you say and who you say it to that anyone in power can do what he wants without being afraid of the public

  7. To #9 Who is talking about Governamental controls?

    If you cannot stomach guidance from Rabbonim what are you in a forum called Yeshiva World?

    The real “Yeshiva World” is ruled by Gedolei Torah.

  8. #9, We Yidden have to be careful of what we say because we have a Torah that guides us. The Torah is not a democracy. Sheker, loshon horah, r’cheelus, etc. are illegal because Hashem doesn’t want us to speak that way. For us YIDDEN, there is no such thing as freedom of the press, or freedom of expression and that’s the way of life we chose when we said ” Na’aseh V’nishmah ” a few thousand years ago.

  9. #9 if you have a problem with the rabbonim then your place is not on yeshiva world.

    as for yeshiva world, the comments should be eddited abit more to comply with halacha and mentchlichkeit.

  10. As a matter of information the last post to the forum on Rabbi Porush’s website was
    11-03-2009 06:50 PM

    הפורום נעול ולא זמין לכתיבה

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