NYC: Man Threatens to Kill Mayor, NYPD Commissioner

bk.jpgA Philadelphia man was charged with telephoning death threats into 911 against Mayor Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Kelly, authorities said Monday.

Jeffrey Fisher, 48, had called in 10 threats from May 12th until his arrest Friday from various payphones in Manhattan, according to a criminal complaint..

Fisher threatened Bloomberg saying, “I’m gonna come and kill your Mayor” and “The Mayor’s office, he’s a target, we will kill him,” during three calls on May 12th made from different Midtown locations, officials told

The suspect then threatened Kelly during three calls in October, saying at one point “Tell Commissioner Kelly he is dead.”

Later in October he renewed his threats against Bloomberg in one call saying “gonna kill the mayor if he shows up to the marathon.”

Fisher is being held on $100,000 bail after his arraignment Saturday in Manhattan Criminal Court on 10 counts of making a terroristic threat, authorities said.

His defense attorney requested that Fisher be put under psychiatric evaluation and his next court date was set for this Thursday, officials said.

During his last call, on December 10th, Fisher also threatened Kelly’s family saying “if he continues his 9/11 bulls—, his family is going to feel it,” according to the complaint.

The NYPD had no comment, citing their policy on declining to discuss threats or security for the mayor and police commissioner.

(Source: NBC New York)

One Response

  1. 1) ‘if he continues his 9/11 ***************’ would be just fine yw, we are yeshiva world we dont need the street talk here.
    2)how did they catch him if he called from public pay phones?

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