Kavod HaTorah – Hesder & Loyalty to the State

idff1.jpgThe decision to oust the Har Bracha Hesder Yeshiva from the hesder framework has elicited many a response, for and against, including those who disagree with Rabbi Eliezer Melamed, now standing at his side as a result of fashion in which Defense Minister Ehud Barak handled the affair.


Dr. Asher Cohen is a senior lecturer in the Political Studies Department in Bar-Ilan University. He was educated in Bar Ilan and did post doctorate studies in Harvard University. Speaking with Yarom Dekel of Israel Radio’s Reshet Bet on Monday morning, Cohen seeks to place the hesder/IDF conflict into the proper perspective, stating the matter was truly “blown out of proportion”.

Dr. Asher Cohen explains that first and foremost, we must remember the role of hesder in the nation, and its size regarding the nation’s dati leumi community. Of all eligible draft age dati leumi youths, hesder represents 25%, no more. An additional 25% of the youths enter Mechinot, IDF pre-induction yeshivot that delay induction for one year, but are followed by regular enlistment, with the students serving a full three years, as opposed to hesder soldiers who actually serve only 18 months.

The remaining 50% are youths aligned with the dati leumi stream, which enter the IDF under the regular general enlistment procedure, not affiliated with hesder and not graduates of a mechina program.

As such explains Cohen, all of hesder comprises a quarter of the dati leumi segment, no more. That said, he stressed that many today credit the dati leumi enlistment with being the backbone of the IDF elite combat units.

Regarding the reports that hesder soldiers are going to comply with instructions of their rabbonim over their IDF superiors, Dr. Cohen feels here too, the matter has been sorely blown out of proportion. He asked Dekel rhetorically if anyone has an idea just how many talmidim enter Yeshivat Har Bracha annually, to which he replied a maximum of 30. Since the establishment of the yeshiva, there has been a total of 250-300 talmidim, no more, seeking to place the ‘crises into a different light’.


Cohen feels that rather than address the issues at hand, officials selected the Har Bracha yeshiva and its head, Rabbi Eliezer Melamed, to use them as an example. He stated that while the yeshiva’s student body numbers are truly insignificant, a small yeshiva in the system numbering 52 yeshivot hesder, the ramifications of Defense Minister Ehud Barak’s decision are not insignificant.

“While there is doubt that the decision contains a measure of political considerations, what is taking place is a decision to ‘teach them a lesson'” explains Cohen, stressing the numbers involved in Har Bracha simply do not justify the decision and noise surrounding what is taking place.

“Therefore, these discussions are truly not as significant as the media makes them appear” and the real story must surround efforts to maintain a proper perspective on the realities at hand, beginning with an understanding of the numbers and the impact the yeshiva has on hesder, the IDF and general dati leumi induction numbers.


The following statements were made by Amram Mitzna, a former Haifa mayor, acting mayor of Yerucham, Labor Party leader and IDF Central District commander in the end of the 1980s, retiring from the IDF at the rank of major-general. He is politically aligned with the left-wing. He was also cited for excellence regarding his performance in the Six Day and Yom Kippur Wars, during which he was wounded.

Mitzna in his military and political careers has been an outspoken voice for the secular left-wing point of view. His remarks were made during a Monday morning radio interview on Reshet Bet, with host Yoram Dekel.

I was involved in the formation of the hesder framework and the founding fathers would not agree with the views expressed by some of the rabbis today. The yeshivot are “not Zionistic” as they claim, “those who place halacha as they interpret it against the law of the state and the army are not Zionists in my opinion…Their calls for questioning the decisions of the democratically elected government will cause a breakdown that cannot be tolerated…

“I would be pleased if Israel Police was large enough and capable of handling many of the tasks in Yehuda and Shomron, but that is not the case.

“At the end of the day, even the decision to leave Gaza was the decision of a legitimate government — the same soldiers who waves signs a few weeks ago did not remove people from their homes, they were in the third ring, an outer ring. The army tries to accommodate them. What about the terminology used by them in their reference to police, Yassam troops and Druse soldiers”, Mitzna questioned.

Mitzna stated in his opinion, the defense minister was not left with any alternative. Regarding the future for the Har Bracha hesder talmidim, they must decide to opt for full army service or another hesder yeshiva, or even to declare they will learn Torah full time and receive an exemption.

“It is true they are indeed excellent soldiers, but an excellent soldier who will not adhere to orders of a superior is not an excellent soldier but a detriment.

“While every citizen is entitled to give his opinion, we must remember here we are talking about a yeshiva, a hesder yeshiva and the rosh yeshiva. It may even be a form of incitement. The same [standards] must hold true regarding university professors”.

When asked why he is not vocal when left-wing professors’ call on soldiers not to serve in Yehuda and Shomron, Mitzna stated, “please invite me and I will express the very same criticism.

“Nevertheless, a university is different since one seeks to learn mathematics or another topic, and during the course of this education, professors may give their opinion. The university does not sign on an agreement with the IDF and that is why I do not comment regarding remarks from rabbis in non-hesder yeshivot.

“Here, there are soldiers in every sense of the word and the fact that they are in hesder, does indeed limit their ability to voice opinions.

“Rav Melamed has removed himself from the public consensus and this carries with it ramifications.


Major-General (reserves) Yaakov Amidror, program director of the Institute for Contemporary Affairs at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, is former commander of the IDF’s National Defense College and the IDF Staff and Command College. He is also former head of the IDF’s Research & Assessment Division, with special responsibility for preparing the National Intelligence Assessment. In addition, he served as the military secretary of the defense minister.

Amidror is a shomer shabbat Jew, regarded a right-wing hawk. His remarks appeared in his column in the daily Yisrael HaYom newspaper.

Rabbi Eliezer Melamed’s decision not to appear at the Sunday evening meeting with Defense Minister Ehud Barak was another stone in the detachment wall being erected between some of the hesder rabbonim, particularly those who feel their students are soldiers ‘on condition’, believing they will decide which orders the soldiers will follow and which they will refuse.

The situation did not leave DM Barak with any alternative other than to oust Har Bracha from the hesder framework.

This is not an issue of censoring them for rabbonim may express their opinions but the IDF may not tolerate a yeshiva bound in an agreement educates towards insubordination. Damage will most likely be caused to both parties as the IDF will lose quality soldiers who until now served in combat units. Even though they do not serve a full military service, they serve in the reserves for many years. Hesder yeshivot on the other hand lose their right to exist, the purpose for which they were established.

For all practical purposes, as far as their contribution to the state is concerned, they will turn into ‘chareidi yeshivot’. This is the direct result of adopting the left-wing’s approach — that serving one’s state is contingent with one’s own ideology.

This is seen among university lecturers. The left-wing refusal to serve has been all-encompassing while the right-wing’s has been selective, only refusing certain orders, therefore, making a louder splash and drawing more attention.

The media may also be highlighting the right-wing refusal, focusing on the words of the rabbonim, but the Defense Ministry may not act selectively, but must impose the same rules on all parties. Now, as the proper step was taken against the party calling for right-wing insubordination must ensure the officers do not study in such institutions, calling for evading military service and preaching contempt for the IDF.

The differences that once existed between the hallowed yeshiva halls and the universities are gone, and one cannot escape the reality that today, that unwanted influence that exists in some of the university lecture halls also exists in some of the yeshivot.


There are some, primarily aligned with the more hawkish camp, who are calling upon the hesder leaders to cut ties with the IDF, seeking to turn the tables, to pressure the IDF, aware the hesder soldiers serving in combat units are indeed an integral part of the IDF fighting force. One such proponent is veteran Chevron resident Baruch Marzel, a follower of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane HY”D.

While this relatively lone opinion is heard and reported in the media, it appears it is not gaining too much support for cutting off the IDF would deprive the dati leumi camp of its raison d’être.


Rav Melamed has tried to explain that while he is unwilling to openly support civil law or military command over Torah and halacha, he has never instructed soldiers to take part in protests within the IDF, laboriously trying to make the point which seems to have been missed.

The rabbi is quoted as saying that if he were asked in advance, he would have instructed the soldiers who hung anti-expulsion banners not to do so, explaining the difference between intentional acts of protest and political statement, which are unacceptable. He also continues to stress the “mitzvah” of serving in the IDF, rejecting accusations from opponents who credit him with encouraging talmidim to avoid military service, stating quite the contrary is true.


According to veteran Hesder rosh yeshiva and former lawmaker Rabbi Eliezer Waldman, who stands at the helm of the Kiryat Arba Hesder Yeshiva, it is not about insubordination but about protests in the IDF. Rabbi Waldman is a graduate of Yeshiva University and Brooklyn College.

The rav explains that all hesder roshei yeshiva are in agreement, that protests in the IDF are inacceptable.

He feels that in this case, the problem was not handled correctly, citing Rav Melamed was not invited to meet with the minister at a mutually convenient time, but instructed to appear, not a proper way for a minister to address a rosh yeshiva of a hesder institution.

“We are all Har Bracha and we will not permit Barak to oust a yeshiva while we sit by”.

“The army is the army of the people and not an army of the hesder yeshivot alone”.

The rabbi pointed out the hesder soldiers are among the most loyal in the army, and willing to give of themselves totally, but if a problem exists among the soldiers, perhaps orders which negate their beliefs, go against the mitzvot of the Torah, then they mustn’t adhere to those orders, adding he too would not since the Torah must always take priority.

The true wisdom explains Rabbi Waldman is to avoid issuing such orders to these soldiers, to avoid placing a soldier in an untenable situation. As a matter of practice, he does not believe Jewish soldiers should be deployed to remove Jews from their homes, as a matter of principle. The IDF must remain apolitical he stressed, concluding the IDF is the army of the entire nation.


The head of the Bayit HaYehudi Party, a member of the coalition government, is Science Minister Rabbi Professor Daniel Hershkowitz, a moderate voice in the right-wing camp.

He explained that his views are known, and he does not agree with Rabbi Eliezer Melamed but after Barak’s handling of the situation, he is standing at the rabbi’s side, defending the honor of Torah and a rosh yeshiva.

Hershkowitz explained that the manner in which the ordeal was addressed by the defense minister is having a contrary result, and now, Rabbi Melamed has been martyred and enjoys a increased support. Instead of working to resolve the issues surrounding the conflict, the ill-handling of the affair has increased the yeshiva’s support base and widened the gap between hesder and the IDF, or government officials.

R’ Melamed has gained support, as has his position, and the IDF may lose high caliber soldiers. If the rabbi broke the law, then address it and if not, we are bordering on censorship. What about professors in universities [who frequently espouse their radical left-wing views against the IDF]?

We are not talking about judicial system acting against him, but an administrative move that is truly adding fuel to the fire.


A member of the dati leumi community, a graduate of the Netiv Meir Yeshiva High School and former head of the IDF Personnel Branch, Elazar Stern is a retired IDF major-general, who during his tenure, worked to abolish the hesder program.

I think over the past days, the entire matter was blown out of proportion.

The dati leumi community is indeed important and well-acquainted with it. In this community there is a fringe element which receives a measure of legitimacy. On the face of things, the dati leumi community plays a major role in the formation of the national character and the decision to close the yeshiva I believe did not address the true issues at hand – which must define the Jewish character of our country that unifies us, the character of the Jewishness of the state, including giyur, shmirat shabbat and more.

We can say “we are all Har Bracha as Rav Waldman said” and I understand it and respect Rav Waldman but it is a non-starter to contemplate hesder yeshivot will boycott the IDF. This is not a university but a yeshiva, but everyone knows my views and I am opposed to draft dodging in the left-wing camp too.

Can you imagine R’ Aryeh Binna taking his students to a rally for or against Chomesh, or Rav Amital or Rav Lichtenstein doing this? Please, the fathers of hesder would not agree with Har Bracha’s position.

In addition, there is no contract between the IDF and the universities, and in this case, and other hesder yeshivot, an agreement does exist. In this case, we also are dealing with a rosh yeshiva and all talmidim in the yeshiva study with him, unlike an individual rav.

Do you hear of hesder rabbonim threatening to boycott the IDF, no you do not. Sure there are some reservists who will refuse to serve but things are being blown out of proportion.


Livni praised the move, stating DM Barak acted responsibility, taking the correct measure towards resolving the problem.

She applauded Barak’s “necessary decision” adding rabbis mustn’t be permitted to “meddle” in IDF affairs, thereby undermining the nation’s basic value system.


Hesder rabbonim will soon convene in urgent session, to discuss their next move after Defense Minister Ehud Barak made good on his threat to oust Har Bracha from the hesder family of 52 yeshivot.

Most analysts predict the rabbonim will adopt a stern approach and they are not about to permit Barak to oust a yeshiva from the system.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

4 Responses

  1. Barak is a disgrace and an embarrassment, both as a Jew, as well as a Defense Minister.
    He is clueless in both capacities.
    Netanyahu should remove him immediately and replace him with Moshe Ya’alon, who, though not frum, does have a strong sense of Jewish identity and decency. (Ya’alon resigned as Chief of Staff of the IDF rather than be a part of the expulsion from Gush Katif.)
    As far as Barak’s position as a Jew, I guess we will have to leave it to HaSh-m as to when He will remove him from THAT position.

  2. Rav Melamed believes it is a mitzvah to serve in the IDF, but DO NOT mix army and politics. Army is to defend the country from its Arab enemies.

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