Mosque In France Vandalized; Pig Feet Hung, Swastikas Painted

fm.jpgFrance – According to an AP report, unknown assailants sprayed swastikas, Nazi slurs, and hung pig feet on a mosque in southern France.

Police say the slurs including Hitler salute ‘Sieg Heil’ in German, ‘France to the French’ in French, and ‘White Power’ in English were scrawled on the mosque.

French Interior Minister Brice Hortefeux denounced the ‘vile and racist desecration’ of the mosque in the town of Castres, and promised a severe punishment to those caught in connection with the crime.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

6 Responses

  1. How ironic!

    During WWII the Mufti of Yerushalayim and many other Moslems sided with the Nazis.
    They looked at the swastika and what it stood for as something they wanted.

    “What goes around comes around.”
    “Midah K’Neged Midah”

  2. the europeans are coming to their senses realizing that all the moslems want is annihlate the west lrts hope that the governments also realize this and take approprate action before its to late

  3. It’s disgusting that the above commentators appear to agree with what happened.
    Don’t think for a second that the perpetrators in this case wouldn’t (or haven’t) done this same thing in a shul.

  4. Don’t be fooled. It could very well be the Muslims. I have read on the Jihad Watch website and the Debbie Schlussel website how there are websites and reports of harrassment of Muslims and it winds up that it is the Muslims themselves who do it as a way to stir up the masses against the populace.

  5. Those who are leading the anti-Muslim fight, whether in Europe or North America, are not our allies. They have to, for the time being, give up attacking us since it is politically incorrect to attack Jews (at least as long as anti-Semitism is identified with Germany’s efforts at conquest in WWII, which renders anti-Semitism as anti-patriotic in most countries). However those in the Jewish community who support such attacks on Muslims are fools. Nazis can never be our friends.

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