British PM Sends Chanukah Wishes

gb.jpgPrime Minister Gordon Brown has marked the start of Chanucah by offering his warm wishes to Britain’s Jews.

In a message released on the Downing Street website, Mr Brown wrote: “As Britain’s Jewish community joins Jews all over the world in celebrating Chanucah I wanted to pass on my own warm wishes for this festival of lights.

“As you gather round the menorah, may you draw strength from the Chanucah story of how light and faith can endure the toughest of times.”

He said the Chanucah story had been passed “from generation to generation for thousands of years” and said he hoped it would continue to be retold for thousands of years to come.

(Source: The JC)

5 Responses

  1. Finally its in London. May this act of the Prime minister of London give strength to our brothers in London to be a full faith Jew in the open. A Freilechan a Chanukah to All.

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