Iran’s Continued Defiance Towards Nuclear Independence

iran.jpgIranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki in his address before a security conference in Bahrain announced the need for his country to establish “10-15” nuclear facilities to meet electricity demands, ignoring the demands of the White House, the United Nations and other Western nations, determined to forge ahead towards nuclear independence.

According to a report in Der Spiegel on Saturday, a shipment of compressors heading to Iran was intercepted, sent by the Siemens Company, valued at an estimated €16 million, and intended for use in Tehran’s nuclear program. The compressor shipment was sent out from Sweden and it was intercepted in Hamburg. German officials are contemplating a response to the blatant violation of international trade and economic sanctions against Iran.

The Der Spiegel report adds the compressors are part of a much larger shipment valued at €80 million.

The report adds a Siemens’ spokesman denies the German company has violated sanctions placed on Iran.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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