Yeshiva Darchei Torah Says: ‘Let’s Celebrate’

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Yeshiva Darchei Torah has been a trailblazer ever since it emerged onto the American Chinuch scene in 1972. Under the leadership of Rabbi Yaakov Bender, the Yeshiva is embarking today on a bold new initiative: to create a Faculty Simcha Fund of $1.6 million. This will enable hundreds of rabbeim, morahs and teachers to celebrate their simchos with peace of mind – so that they can fully focus on their sacred task of educating Hashem’s children.

Join Yeshiva Darchei Torah today as it celebrates its educators and helps them celebrate with true joy. It’s 24 hours only, 1.6 million dollars, and YOU can have an impact! Your donation will be quadrupled by a group of generous matchers who believe deeply in this exciting project.

Join the celebration! www.letscelebrate.todayNaftoliGoldgrabPhotography-77 NaftoliGoldgrabPhotography-50 NaftoliGoldgrabPhotography-2 DSC_0785C

4 Responses

  1. Maybe someone can say two or three words about how this works? Can any mechanech ask for help in making a simcha? Any simcha? If I live in Chicago or LA, will rebbeim in my school also be able to benefit from this?

  2. M,

    Sorry it’s only for darchei Torah of far rockaway

    the Yeshiva is embarking today on a bold new initiative: to create a Faculty Simcha Fund of $1.6 million

    Faculty is the key word here

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