Lakewood Township To Privatize EMS

amb1.jpgNo one will dispute that these are extremely tough economic times. Individuals as well as residents are looking to cut budgets to save money. In an effort to cut costs, Lakewood Township has decided that that it can save the taxpayers $800 thousand dollars a year by privatizing the Township’s EMS (Emergency Medical Services).

According to Steven Langert, Deputy Mayor of Lakewood, in 2008, the Township had to subsidize the EMS by $777 thousand. By privatizing these services, Lakewood will not only save between $800 thousand to one million dollars a year, the residents will realize increased coverage and services, with no change to current billing practices.

“No one should be concerned, especially our senior residents. One of the companies we are dealing with,” says Langert, “has promised same billing practices; and the same, if not better services, at no cost to the town.”

Currently the township has two ambulances that provide services to more than 60,000 residents in 25-square miles. With the privatization of EMS, three ambulances will be available to residents.

(YWN Lakewood News Team / YWN-41)

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