Frum Man Walks From Brooklyn To Liberty Bell in Philadelphia To Raise Health Awareness

11:15AM EST: A religious Jew from Brooklyn, Shraga Feivel Neuhaus, 61, is currently in the final steps of a walking journey from Brooklyn, NY to the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia. He is doing this to create an awareness in the Charedi community about the importance of keeping healthy.

He is planning to arrive at the Liberty Bell today at around 1:00 pm.

YWN spoke with Shraga Feivel as he was just 9 miles away from his destination.

Shraga weighed 323 pounds 13 years ago, and he says he was barely able to get out of a chair. He started losing weight, and then suffered a massive heart attack 3 years ago – while weighing 260 pounds. His doctor said he would never walk again, and was diagnosed with diabetes, heart problems, and high cholesterol.

He was determined to change his body for good, and defy what the doctors had predicted.

He started walking, and now walks approximately 40-60 miles each week and currently weighs 175-180.

He has no sugar problems, his cholesterol is perfect, and miraculously, he has no cardiac problems whatsoever.

He decided to make the long walk from Brooklyn to Philadelphia to raise awareness to the Frum community worldwide about staying healthy.

He left his home in Flatbush, Brooklyn a week ago Sunday November 29, at 5:00PM, and reached Trenton, NJ by this past Thursday.

The trip was supposed to be 114 miles, but ended up taking 190 miles.

“A healthy body leads to a healthier spirit,” he told YWN.

“I felt the presence of Hashem in every step of this journey, and I could speak for 5 hours straight about the Yad Hashem that I’ve witnessed during this journey”.

“I was hoping to I”H find my Bashert along the way”, Shraga Feivel told YWN. So far that has not happened, but I still have a few miles left to go!”

YWN will be interviewing Shraga Feivel Neuhaus on video upon his return to Brooklyn.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

9 Responses


    heartwarming to see how a yid can be determined and make a change in his life like that. i am so small compared to this man’ gadlus. as it is said in the name of the GRA that to change oneself(or one midoh) is harder than completing gantz shas .

    thanks ywn for this story . a shame that it was not reported here earlier in the journey- i missed out on a weeks worth of hisoirerus just thinking of this guy walking everyday while i have yet to begin working on my self to be a better jew also.

  2. This man B”EH is a Nuvi of our time, no doubt..
    May he be succesul in getting his message through our thick ears.. and may a find his bashert very very soon

  3. This is Shraga Feivel. Thank you for the kind comments. I spent a wonderful Shabbos in Lawrenceville, NJ with my friend Mendy L. and enjoyed the gracious hospitality for lunch with Rabbi and Rebetzin Goldenberg Of the Young Israel/Chabad of Lawrenceville. Having reached Trenton Thursday evening, i chose to add over 12 miles to my walk to spend Shabbos in Lawrenceville. It was well worth the effort. I may be reached to be redd for a Shidduch or to be of help to anyone at [email protected]. I, B”H, reached the Liberty Bell at 3:00 PM on Monday. I met so many wonderful people along the way including Rabbi and Rebbetzin Dubov of the Chabad of Princeton, Rabbi Blumenkrantz and so many others.

  4. PS from Shraga Feivel. My friend’s name Mendy Lelenthal and I thanki the many people who sent time with me via Cell during the trip.

  5. This is Mendy Lelenthal, I would like to express hakoras hatov to Rabbi And Rebbetzin Goldenberg of Lawrenceville NJ for hosting Shraga Feivel and myself over Shaboos, may Hakadosh Boroch Hu give them bracha and hatzlacha ad meah v’esrim. I would also like to say that it was TRULY a pleasue to be have been a “participant” in this monumentous walk as it has been deeply inspirational to me…….way to go Shrag!!!!!

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