NYPD Cracking Down On Children Not Buckled-Up In Car Seats

nypd.gifThe NYPD is cracking down on city parents who don’t buckle up their kids in car seats.

NYPD officers wrote 4,160 tickets for car-seat violations in the first 10 months of this year — or 14 per day, police said.

That represents a 55 percent increase over 2008, when police issued only nine violations per day.

Fines start at $50 for citations that range from not using any car seat to improper use of the devices.

The NYPD refused to provide a breakdown of the tickets or an explanation for the apparent blitz.

Earlier this month, a law went into effect increasing the top age of children who are required to use booster seats. The age went from 7 to 8.

(Source: NY Post)

2 Responses

  1. And wat are we supposed to do about carpool? Maybe nursery through fourth grade classrooms should have a shelf for clearly labeled booster seats for children to take from the “way there” car to the “way home car”? This is getting stupid already.

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