Cellini Asks President Obama To Move Casinos Forward

casino.jpgMonticello, NY – In the wake of President Obama’s jobs summit, Thompson Town Supervisor Anthony Cellini Friday faxed him a letter urging him to remove the one impediment to creating three Native American casinos in Sullivan County, thereby creating thousands of jobs.

Cellini told the President the three locations are shovel-ready and ready to go. “Only one thing stands in our way; that being Secretary of the Interior Salazar’s reversal of the Kempthorne decision that prevented off-site Indian gaming casinos,” he wrote in his letter.

The supervisor told the President Sullivan County has one of the highest unemployment rates in the state. “We were once recognized as the ‘hospitality capital’ of the northeast. With your immediate intervention with this policy change this is instant stimulus without federal monies.”

Cellini noted Obama was at West Point earlier in the week. He invited him to visit Sullivan County “to meet with labor leaders, government officials and our residents to display to you our complete support of this important stimulus and instant gaming issue.”

(Source: MidHudsonNews.com / YWN-112)

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