Paterson To Not Reintroduce Toeiva Marriage Bill; State Of NJ Preparing To Vote

pat.jpgGovernor David Paterson says he’s not planning to reintroduce a same-gender marriage bill unless he is sure it is going to pass.

The bill was rejected Wednesday by a 38-24 vote.

In a radio interview with 1180 WHAM-AM in Rochester, N.Y., Paterson said he’ll only propose the legislation again if he sees a change in lawmakers’ attitudes.

“I honestly believe that the votes were there to pass the bill. What happens is that people don’t want to go down on a losing ship and unless they’re sure that the votes are there, then they’re not going to vote that way.”

Paterson said he stands by his belief that Toeiva couples are eligible for the same rights as other couples.

Meanwhile, the New Jersey state Legislature appears close to its own vote on same-gender marriage.

According to one state senator, a bill allowing same-gender marriages is scheduled to go before the Judiciary committee on Monday, with a vote expected by the full State Senate on Thursday.

As in New York — New Jersey lawmakers have been reluctant to bring the bill to the floor without knowing it has the votes to pass.

Lawmakers in New Jersey may have their eye on the calendar, as outgoing Governor Jon Corzine said he will sign the measure, while Governor-elect Chris Christie opposes same-gender marriages.

(Source: NY1)

2 Responses

  1. Smart idea Mr. Governor. Don’t you think you have more important things to worry about like the current budget deficit? I read in an e-mail that I received from that New York State has only $36 million on hand and they are about ready to go into bankruptcy. Why don’t I see anything about that in the media?

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