YWN Exclusive: Our Top Ten Friends and Foes on Same-Gender Marriage!

ywe1.jpgWe at Yeshiva World News have spent the last 36 hours interviewing over a dozen key activist rabbonim, askanim and community leaders. Our question to these “machers” was simple: – which politicians that represent our community are our friends and which are our foes on same-gender marriage? The answers that we received may surprise you.

1. Carl Kruger (represents the frum areas of: Midwood, Madison, Sheepshead Bay) – the powerful chairman of the Senate finance committee was the only Democratic Senator from Brooklyn to vote against same-gender marriage. This is not a surprise. Kruger has been a long-time supporter of our community. He even hired a frum yeshiva graduate as his top aide – Jason Koppel.

2. Marty Golden (represents the frum areas of : Midwood, Gravesend, Marine Park) – the Republican Senator not only voted against same-gender marriage, he “whipped” votes by pressuring his fellow Republicans to do the same. Thanks to Marty all the Republican Senators voted against same-gender marriage.

3. Shelly Silver (represents the frum areas of: the Lower East Side of Manhattan) – the Speaker of the Assembly, who is an Orthodox Jew, is the number one supporter of same-gender marriage in New York. Not only did he – in his role as speaker – bring it for a vote in the Assembly, he personally voted for the legislation. This is despite the fact that every Jewish organization honors him each and every year for his “leadership.”

4. Kevin Parker (represents the frum areas of: Boro Park, Kensington) – if you sat at home at didn’t vote for Simcha Felder for Senate last year, you have only yourself to blame. Senator Parker is one of the most passionate supporters of same-gender marriage despite representing half of Boro Park. Don’t worry – we might get rid of him yet. He’s facing criminal charges for assault and if convicted will be booted from the Senate.

5. Diane Savino (represents the frum areas of: Boro Park) – this Senator spoke on the Senate floor about “making history” for same-gender marriage and about how the “struggle will continue.” She condescendingly insisted that despite this new toeiva law, “religious institutions can continue to practice discrimination with respect to the sacrament of marriage.” This from the woman who represents the most religious Jewish community in America!

6. Dan Squadron (represents the frum areas of: Williamsburg) – The “Aroni” sect of Satmar went all out to elect this guy to Senate last year. How does he repay their favor? Not only does he vote for same-gender marriage, he says on the floor of the senate that voting for same-gender marriage “protects our religion.” Really, Dan? Same-gender marriage will protect our religion?

7. Malcolm Smith (represents the frum areas of Far Rockaway and Queens) – the President of the Senate has fallen far from grace. He promised that the Senate would not bring the same-gender marriage vote to the floor. Malcolm broke his promise by not only bringing the vote to the floor but by voting in favor of same-gender marriage.

8. Toby Stavitsky (represents the frum areas of: Kew Garden Hills & Queens) – this elderly state-woman of politics bucked the majority of her community when she voted for same-gender marriage. Insiders wonder whether the possibility that her son is a paid lobbyist for some who support same-gender marriage had something to do with her vote.

9. Eric Adams (represents the frum areas of Boro Park & Crown Heights) – the Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee shows up each year around Pesach time and holds a meeting with police officials and “askanim,” ostensibly about our physical safety. But what about our spiritual safety, Eric? Of that, the Senator cares not. He was shaking on the Senate floor when he compared the lack of same-gender marriage to slavery! “We have to lead the country to the right place,” by passing same-gender marriage, he exclaimed! Ironically, insiders believe that the reason he cozies up to the Jewish community every Pesach is because he wants to be Mayor of New York City one day. Can you imagine?

Not helping:
10. Dov Hikind – (represents the frum areas of Boro Park and Midwood) – we didn’t want to add the Assemblyman’s name to the list of foes, so we created a new category just for him. After all, Dov voted against same-gender marriage and even spoke out against it on the floor of the Assembly. However, according to no less than five of our insiders, his actions speak louder than his words. The fact that last year Dov supported Kevin Parker (pro-same gender marriage) over Simcha Felder (against same-gender marriage) for Senate and this year supported Brad Lander (pro-same gender marriage) over John Heyer (against same-gender marriage) for City Council is proof to these insiders that he really doesn’t care about stopping this legislation. After all, while Agudas Yisroel and every other major Jewish organization were fighting the same-gender marriage legislation over the last few weeks – where was Dov? In Israel, planting olive trees!!! Unless that’s a new segulah for fighting bad legislation, he should have been in Albany instead.

Compiled by: Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN.

63 Responses

  1. This list is a Chilul Hashem. There is no reason frum people should try to impose religious views on the secular government. Let the state laws be what they will be & let our community keep our halachos Lifnim B’rshus Hadin.

    The fact that the Charedi leadership has taken a publicly vocal stance on this is hypocrisy. When it comes for public support of Israel, the Charedim say we should say tehillim quietly & not get involved in politics.

    Double standard that will create increased anti-semitism. Drop the list, YWN!

  2. hikind should finally be publicly called out on – and openly accused of – working against, not only Simcha Felder – a community member who supports and believes in our values – in favor of someone from a different community who opposes our values, but also against Noach Dear – who always suffered for standing up for our community’s – indeed our Tora’s – values. Hikind opposed Dear in every single capacity he tried running for, in favor of any liberal, until he ran for civil court judge, which made Hikind feel like he could get rid of him from politics into the legal system where he wouldn’t be a competition. Shame on Hikind!

  3. This is a shtickel sad. Why should we care if some people get ‘married’ or not? In my shul, marriage means kedushin and nessuin, not going to City Hall and getting a piece of paper.
    Further, is letting them get married or not get married really going to affect the levels of toievah?
    There is no real reason why we should be sticking our necks out on this made-up issue when there are so many more important things we need from our legislators.

  4. Perhaps many of the rabbanim feel that since this doesn’t affect us directly, it isn’t a key issue in determining who to support. The goyim’s perverse practices don’t really affect us, whereas other issues pertaining to human services, quality of life, etc., do affect us directly.

    What a frei Jew or a goy do is Greenwich Village doesn’t affect us. Subsidies for schools, adjustments to zoning and parking rules, health care, protection of job rights for Shomer Shabbos workers, etc., do affect us.

    While some Rabbanim feel that preventing the goyim for doing things they shouldn’t do is important, others disagree and feel that the goyim’s misbehavior isn’t critical to our survival. Who is YWN to state that one position is right, and the other wrong?

  5. sorry #4 (a23) but you’re an am ho’oretz gomur! a shanda! you obviously are very unaware of the statement of chazal that the mabul (Flood, Deluge) to destroy the entire world (see Genesis) came only because they wrote a k’suba (marriage contract) between males. this is the breakdown of society and the total antithesis of human values since millenia ago.
    #2, you make up your own definition of chilul Hashem. Even if you’re a Zionist, you should still learn what chilul Hashem actually means. Standing up for Hashem and His Tora is called … “Kiddush Hashem”!

  6. #7, once again, “What a frei Jew … do in Greenwich Village doesn’t affect us”. What???????? Are you a Tora Jew, or just someone “entitled to his opinion”?

  7. One of the 7 Noachide laws is illicit relations. It is common sense that male toevah is included. But nevertheless the Rabbinic literature clearly lists male toevah as one of the 6 illicit acts included in this Noachide law.

    In fact it is stated that it is included in Noahide Laws in Mesechtes Chullin 92a.

    In addition to Mesechtes Chullin 92a saying toeva is against the 7 mitzvos bnei noach, it says the same in Asarah Ma’amaros, Ma’amar Chikur Din 3:21. It is also said by Rabbeinu Shmuel bar Hofni HaKohen, one of the last Geonim in Sura.

  8. #4- You are nothing short of an ignoramous.

    Do you not realize how this will affect Frum Jews?

    Let’s just take for example….wedding halls.

    Two “pigs” walk in and want to get married. They know that the hall is available because they already verified it with 8 normal ‘straight’ couples. The hall tells them “sorry, were booked”.
    The run-around continues until the hall relalizes that they are in deeep trouble.

    The hall will end up in massive legal fights and cost them a fortune only to looooooose the case.

    These pigs will win in every single wedding hall.

    This is the tip of the iceberg.

    How abaout yeshshivos?

    what happens when two pigs adobt a little boy and want to send him to a yeshiva? (akthough from your comment it appears that you were deprived of that type of education)

    What will the school say? “We only accept children from “normal” parents?

    Anyone who doesnt see how this will cause serious, serious problems, is living is a cave.

  9. EVERYTHING thta happens in a country ultimately affects Jews. if- G-f forbid- marriage between people of the same gender becomes the law, soon this will spill over in the Jewish sphere and you will have “rabbis” officiating at such”weddings”.
    I know that some of you may say- it does not affect the “frum” community but actually it will, it wil!!

  10. Just curious. How many senators city council members are against eiver min hachai? Isn’t that also from the sheva mitzvos bnai Noach? Do we have a top 10 list of those that are not oiver on “mevarech es H-shem? You could probably take them all out with that one!

  11. A few points that seem to be basic premises:
    The marriage issue will definitely affect us.
    It is important for us to know where politicians stand on important issues.
    It is important to act in a politic way. Sometimes that means leaving things to behind the scenes askanim (askanim as in the mishabeirach after Yekum Purkan, the ones who give honor to Hashem and the term). Sometimes it means speaking plainly and openly. But we’ve always got to phrase ourselves very, very carefully, stating the facts, without rhetoric (even if it can mean bordering on the obsequious sometimes).

  12. This list is silly. The issue is more complex than whether you approve of toeva or not. Jews in galus must support policies that promote tolerance of minorities and other persecuted groups, even if its something they do not approve of and even if it is against the seven noachid laws we must support it. These are the policies that have always protected and benefited Yidden and that is way more important than the silly fantasy that a toeva couple will want to send a child to a frum yeshiva. I don’t support toeva marriage at all, but I don’t like the legislature telling people what to do in their private lives. Today its that they won’t recognize a toeva marriage. How about tommorow its only a wedding performed by a priest that will be recognized? Policies of intolerance never helped Jews throughout history- policies of religious tolerance always have. Look at who Hitler went after- Jews, gypsies and toeva-types. You think that’s a coincidence?

  13. Carl Kruger – DEMOCRAT – represented his constituents and did not try to impose an unwanted law (voted down in every state where it was passed – even California) on us.

    If you are in his district call him to thank him.

    (718) 743-8610 or (518) 455-2460

    Lets not just call before a vote, but lets thank politicians who do the right thing.

    He earned my future vote.

  14. wow!!!
    The Power of Yeshiva World!
    Keep up the good work
    Please don’t forget to reprint this before election time.
    for your info, besides that this bad stuff effects us indirectly, it also effects us directly in the way that Jewish pedofiles in our midst [yes they are around] take encouragemant from these bad goyim.

    p.s. where is simcha felder on this list?

  15. I agree with the YWEditor on this one. We Jews should know who voted for toevia marriage. Yes, we should let our elected officials know and boot them out of office!

  16. “There is no reason frum people should try to impose religious views on the secular government.”–batalah (NO. 2)


    This is the same Orwellian argument that is thrown at Hareidi Jews in Israel when they try to defend themselves against the attacks of the secularists.

    We are trying to protect our children and our Yeshivos and businesses from these aggresive perverts.

  17. The sad reality is our organizational leadership and askanim are not politically savvy. They turn the “marriage” issue into a litmus test for morality. Yet, at the same time Agudath Israel lobbied and supported the Federal Hate Crime Bill of 2009.

    The bill was not created to make Jews safer in America, Mr. Obama’s cronies couldn’t give a hoot about the Orthodox community. The bill’s primary beneficiary was meant for the “s.s. marriage” community. So that they are protected from vigilantes and extremists expressing hatred towards them based on their lifestyle choices.

    By supporting this contreversial Senate bill, Agudath Israel has in essense strengthened the “s.s. marriage” community. Next time, hopefully Agudath Israel will walk the dog backwards to figure out what is driving legislation.

  18. I just Want to let you know Yehuda Drudgestein that Steve Levin (represents the frum areas of: Williamsburg) – The “Zaly” sect of Satmar went all out to elect this guy to Council this year.
    How does he repay their favor?
    He is also pro Same Sex Marriage

  19. #27 – “that Steve Levin (represents the frum areas of: Williamsburg) – The “Zaly” sect of Satmar went all out to elect this guy to Council this year.”

    The above list is talking about SENATORS, not irrelevant NYC Council Members.

  20. The definition of the term ‘marriage’ is not a religiouse issue. It’s simply a steep decline in human values. We shouldn’t let THEM impose on US a definition of a term used for thousends of years…

  21. All on this list that YWN reports that the frum community voted for and are now supporting this bill are democrats/liberals. It is time that the frum community wake up and stop voting for democrats because of social programs and monetary favors. Firstly, we have to become self-reliant and not rely on govt. for handouts. This is for two resaons. A) This is the Torah way-“Mutav…Veal Titzttarech Labrios” and B) If you are dependent on others (e.g. government) you are by definition beholden to them and they start controlling you. Secondly, the democrats by and large are NOT our friends on most issues (even concerning money issues-the one issue which we can accept a “handout” bec. it is not really one, because our taxes go to the public schools, vouchers, they are against).

  22. Anonymous #20, “Jews in galus must support policies that promote tolerance of minorities and other persecuted groups, even if its something they do not approve of.”

    We’ve heared these childish aguments before. You’re foolish if you think that because they stand up for these guys means they will support later some Jewish cause, and those who are aggainst it according to you are more likely to be against Jews! Are you kiding me?

    And since Israel is a minority and unpopular compair to Islam, so all those liberals are probebly big Israel supporters…..

  23. #26, you better believe this is a litmus test. Anyone who represents our communities and is so much beholden to the radical liberal wing of the Democratic party to publicly endorse this thing which is antithetical to our Torah is absolutely unworthy of our continued support, endorsement or good graces.
    To dan bkaf zechus on one of our most prominent rshei galusa, there is a big difference between laws strengthening criminal penalties against those who commit acts of violence against individuals, on the one hand, and attacking the cornerstone of all kedusha and the bedrock of civilization, like marriage, on the other. Listen close and youll hear the Senators and spokesman turning the Constitution (in the name of “civil rights”) into an avodah zara in an attempt to attack kedushas HaTorah.
    A hearty yeyasher kochecha to Agudas Yisroel and Satmar for their leadership and YWN for this hadrucha.

  24. MDShweks- #20 here, you haven’t actually said anything. Give me an example of a time in history where a political group that targeted one group later helped out the Jews.

    I’ll offer a counter-example. The civil rights laws that make it illegal to discriminate against blacks also protect frum Yidden from discrimination over having to leave work early on Fridays in winter.

    If you think that all of the religious X-tians throughout the country who are anti-toeva are friends of the Jews, you are quite mistaken.

  25. MDShweks- do you know why the so-called conservatives support Israel? Its because they believe that all of the Jews have to assemble in Eretz Yisrael before they die in a fiery inferno so that their messiah can come back to earth. Nice support, eh?

  26. Kevin Parker is a violent person who should be tossed out of the senate no matter what his court-case decides.

    a man making decisions for tens of thousands of people can’t be an individual who punched a NY post reporter in the face…..not to mention his previous incident of assaulting a nypd traffic officer for writing him a parking summons.

    let’s not forget he also has a few chassidish clowns escorting him all over town and posing for photos with him non-stop.

    Eric Adams is an old-time lowlife. he co-founded “100 Blacks in Law Enforcement Who Care”…. do some homework on him.
    and he too has a few clowns from willy running around with him all day shtuping him with money in return for a few phony police id’s.
    (fact, check it out)….

    yes raboisay, these are the home-grown and self-proclaimed askonim who are busy with meetings and shmeetings non-stop just to get a few of their pictures up on ywn and hamodia.

    ah shanda

  27. What next we should push for legislation that all food sold in New York should be kosher. The streets in Jewish neighborhoods should be closed on Shabbos.

  28. shelly silver is the entire cause of this vote even making it to the senate floor.

    know why?

    he got big bucks from the “special-interest groups” aka mishkav zochor unterveltnicks!

    when will frum organizations distance themselvs from this walking shtick chillul hashem?!

    and why did the hamodia do a 8 page spread on him this past sukkos edition, calling him a nice yeshiva boy who learned in rjj yeshiva?!

    a disgrace to rjj’s legacy

  29. This is a single issue, albeit an important one. It’s important not to call someone an “enemy” just because of one issue, or you’ll never get anything done – the perfect is the enemy of the good, to quote an article by Jonathan Rosenblum.

    If you look at the work of Rav Moshe Sherer Z”L, you’ll see that when there was common cause, he was able to work with people like Ted Kennedy and Barny Frank, with whom he clearly had major differences. The point was that he did not treat them as “enemys” – adversaries, yes, but not enemys.

    an Israeli Yid

  30. I wonder if anyone noticed this one old lady senetor – i forget her name – shes jewish. She was spewing such verbal sewage its amazing people confuse her for a homosapian! She says that her rabbi (may he/she rot) says that toaiva is based on a Torah concept called Tikun Olam!! Then she says that one of the ten commandments is to love your neighbor like yourself!!!!! What an excuse for a human being!

  31. #40: No, we should not “push for legislation that all food sold in New York should be kosher.” The issue here, which you are missing, is that legislation that is against halacha (for everyone) was being voted on.

    #32: (“The definition of the term ‘marriage’ is not a religiouse issue.”), #7 (“What a frei Jew or a goy do is Greenwich Village doesn’t affect us.”), #4 (“There is no real reason why we should be sticking our necks out on this made-up issue “), You all equally missed the point! As others commented, this bill, if passed, would have negatively impacted us in very tangible ways. This is a democracy, which we are a part of, and as such, have the right (and obligation!) to participate in and insist that those who supposedly represent us vote accordingly.

    Finally, to #2 (“This list is a Chilul Hashem.”), I say that just the opposite; when the outside world sees that we are quiet on issues such as this, THAT is a chilul HaShem of the highest order! They respect us more when we stand up for the right thing! (Your asserion of there being a double standard is wrong, since this issue called for immediate action on our part.)

  32. Friends: To Jews, an “Important Issue” is not defined as something that is important to You, personally.

    An Important Issue is one that is Important to our Creator.

    Since he brought a flood on the whole world over immorality, and destoryed Sodom over laws legitimizing this Toeva, we see what is Important to Him.

  33. To Charlie Hall (#47 and #48):

    Maybe you didn’t realize it, but you two comments made your bias glaringly obvious.

    When Shelly Silver joins those who rebel against G-D’s Law for Mankind, you rationalize his behavior and presume that he asked a Sheila.

    However, when Rabbi Levin supports Patrick Buchanan, it never occurs to you that he might have asked a Sheila fro his Rebbes, like Rav Avigdor Miller, ZT”L–to name just one.

    In fact Silver has never claimed that he asked a Sheila. he did what was politically expedient.

  34. With all due respect to Charlehall I beleive it was on the insistance of Rav Avigdor Miller zt’l that Rabbi Levin backed Buchanan,
    Do you feel that Rav Miller is not worthy of an opinion?
    Ben Levi

  35. to Yehuha Drudgestein – YWN – 6. Dan Squadron (represents the frum areas of: Williamsburg) – The “Aroni” sect of Satmar went all out to elect this guy to Senate last year.

    I really commend what you are doing exposing our politition the way they are! but what is the “Aroni Sect” you are mentioning has to do with this? wern’t all the other senoters that voted for bill supported by all or some of the communities? what agenda do you have by mentioning “Aroni”?


  37. Wow. This is why I only read Yeshiva World. You always give us the non-biased truth. I only hope that on Election Day next year we remember our friends and throw out our foes. This whole chevra is up for re-election next year. We must vote!

  38. I don’t understand why people think it is mutar to resort to name calling towards other posters just because there is passion and feeling towards a certain topic. Go ahead and disagree, but act/type like a mentch.

  39. I am afraid there is some confusion in this commentary about what was voted on in the Senate this week. The issue in question is about CIVIL MARRIAGE, which is granted by the state. Under the US Constitution, all US citizen are granted equal rights by the government, and civil marriage is one of those rights. What the author of this post seems to be referring to is RELIGIOUS MARRIAGE, which has no bearing on this argument. In no way was the NY State Senate trying to change anything about how the Jewish religion, or Catholic religion, or any other religion conducts their religious ceremonies. It would be appalling if the government tried to have any influence over how religious institutions operate, and indeed many marriage equality bills include provisions that safeguard people’s religious freedoms.

    You may disagree with same sex marriage as part of the Jewish religion, but unfortunately religious marriage had nothing to do with what was voted on in the Senate. What people are fighting for is the equal right of CIVIL MARRIAGE, and the sooner you realize that, the sooner this country can join the 21st century and treat its citizens with equal respect.

  40. FrumaSarah,

    Respectfully, I suggest that you reread the commentary. I think most citizens are fully aware that the issue does not relate to religious marriages; it does, however, sanction same s. marriage by law, and this is what appalls not only YWN readers, but non-Jewish voters in a number of other states who have voted not to lawfully recognize same s. marriage.

    We are all fully aware that private behavior cannot be legislated. At the same time, governmental sanction is a mammoth leap into significant further erosion of the concept of traditional family, and if you have difficulty understanding how that would affect this great country, I don’t have interest in engaging in long dialogue on the topic. You either are aware of the issues, or you are not.

    I am so thankful that NY, among other states, has not taken a close step toward the metamorphosis into Sodom.

    The United States, as well as you should, will continue treating all of its citizens with equal respect, without legalizing this behavior.

  41. I’m a little confused as to whoose side everyone is on. The last time I checked the Agudah had His Honor Mayor Michael Bloomberg speak at their dinner, which as far as I’m concerned is being machshere him. He was an outspoken proponent of the gay marriage bill and a yid to boot.

    And the Roshei Yeshivos of Beth Medrash Govoah in Lakewood had phone calls going out before the election to the whole Lakewood oilam to vote for John Corzine, also a propoenent of gay marriage.

    Kind of makes you wonder? Huh? Vhere zits by dem shissel?

  42. The only people who should be enemies are those that vote against a majority of their constituents wishes.
    Of all those listed as “enemies”, they represent heavily liberal neighborhoods that support civil marriage for everyone. They did the right thing by voting to their constituents wishes.
    As a frum community we need to vote in a way that our vote makes a difference so that we have true representation in politics. Those that voted would win an election without the frum vote, and hence no need for them to consult with us.
    As for Hikind, he has become irrelevant to the jewish community as he is only concerned about his political future and agenda with great disregard to what the community wants. Its time we find a new representative that will help out community. We need frum yidden like Councilman Felder, Judge Dear, and Judge Schmidt that make a good name for us.

  43. YWN-I understand that there is a controversy here but some things DO NOT have to be written! I find #16’s comment quite offensive. Name calling is a but old, don’t you think?
    I am quite dissapointed YWN…

  44. I’m confused. New York has about 14 million people (if I’m not mistaken) with 62 senators. From the list compiled there are 4 senators representing little Boro Park. Huh? I knew we had a large population in BP especially with all the apartments but i didn’t know that we represent about 8% of the total population.

  45. The play on “Drudge” is cute and pretty transparent. It’s obvious who is behind this; sounds just like his so called radio show.
    Many askanim believe that the “battle” every year does more damage to the frum community in terms of wasted time and money, distractions from more serious issues within our community and failed outreach to those who leave the frum community. One even recently told a group at a large convention that he wishes this already passed so we could stop the “big show of opposition…”
    It is actually similar in some ways to the anti-kashruth fraud that one Brooklyn legislator used to use every election year to excite his constituents even though it didn’t exist. If the frum community has nothing more important to worry about than this unfortunate and terrible issue, we have bigger problems.
    By the way, selectively attacking people like Speaker Silver and then trying to take credit for his accomplishments, is well known by those who matter.

  46. Dear Bubelah,
    I’m not sure why you think it’s appropriate to blame Dov Hikind and his “so-called radio show.” I listened to the show on Motzai Shabbos and Dov vehemently denied being pro same-gender marriage. You have to understand that people like Dov make tough decisions every day. One of those decisions is which candidate to support for office. Dov’s guest was a perfect example. Senator John Sampson was on the radio show Motzai Shabbos talking about helping yeshivas. Yes, he supports same-gender marriage but does that mean that Dov should not support him? I agree with Dov. Let’s support whomever gives us money and leave the same-gender marriage issues to the goyim.

  47. I am literally nauseous from your comment, askan2. I don’t know where you are an “askan”, but you surely don’t represent my interests, or those of so many others I know.

    Let’s support whomever gives us money? How revolting. Is there nothing more important to you than your money?!

    Leave the morality issue to the others? Is this how you make Hashem proud by being an Ohr Lagoleh?

    You are no askan for Jewish interests.

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