Agudath Israel Lauds NYS Legislature’s Budget Vote

albany1.jpgNew York State legislators approved a plan on Wednesday to close the state’s budget deficit, drawing high praise from Agudath Israel of America for the plan’s rejection of cuts to education, including a proposed approximately $11 million  cut to the state’s nonpublic schools.

Had that proposed cut been enacted, yeshivos and day schools across the state would have suffered a loss of approximately $3 million.  Now, though, with today’s vote in Albany, the funding will remain intact.

Rabbi Shmuel Lefkowitz, the organization’s vice president for community services, had warm words of thanks for the state legislature, and singled out Democratic Conference Leader John L. Sampson, who opposed cuts to education from the start and particularly objected to disproportionate cuts to nonpublic schools.

The Agudath Israel representative also lauded “the thousands in the community who responded to our legislative action alerts and contacted legislators about their concerns for nonpublic education funding in these trying financial times.”

Rabbi Lefkowitz also praised New York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver for his efforts to protect education from budget cuts.

Among the State Senators Rabbi Lefkowitz singled out by name for the Orthodox Jewish community’s gratitude were Democrat Conference Leader John Sampson and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver for their leadership. In addition, we thank Senators Carl Kruger, Diane Savino, Jeff Klein, Dean Skelos, Marty Golden, Malcolm Smith, Assembly members Dov Hikind, Helene Weinstein, Rhoda Jacobs, Audery Pheffer, Alan Maisel and Michael Cusick.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. Kol hakovod to rabbi lefkowitz and the agudah.once again the community has been well represented.most oft his advocasy work is done out of the public is the rare occasion where we can see and appreciate the unsung work of dedicated and tireless askanim who really work lshem shomayim.
    Thank you rabbi lfkowitz for your decades of service.

  2. The march for school vouchers continues. Our job is to continue the quest for equality. We are tax payers and must demand our fair share of the education pie. The only way to achieve this goal is to rally together with one voice and elect representatives who share our views. It has never been more apparent how powerful we could be if everybody comes out to vote for “our candidates”.
    For so many reasons we must register and vote.

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