Kars4Kids ‘Pleas’ For Tiger Woods’ Crashed Car

twc.jpgKars4Kids has put in a plea to Tiger Woods asking him for his recently crashed vehicle. If the national car-donation organization receives it, its resale, they explain, will benefit a great many children.

“This is all about turning a negative into a positive,” said Clifford Smith, spokesman for Kars4Kids. “No one looks forward to the possibility of an automobile accident, but a car crash for a celebrity of Tiger Woods’ stature has additional ramifications – not the least of which is a slew of negative attention from the press. But by donating his wrecked car to charity, Mr. Woods can take this lemon of a situation and turn it into lemonade.”

Woods, 33, crashed his 2009 Cadillac Escalade on November 27, according to a call report compiled by the Orange County Sheriff’s Office. The automobile suffered between $5,000 and $8,000 worth of damage to the front bumper and grille, according to various sources.

Kars 4 Kids, which frequently receives automobiles following auto accidents, contacted the office of Woods’ agent, Mark Steinberg at IMG in Cleveland, Ohio, to explain just how much good the celebrity’s auto donation would do for the organization. Regardless of the condition of any vehicle, or how low its value is, the organization puts the donations to good use.

“It’s not the original Batmobile or the DeLorean from ‘Back to the Future’ but Tiger Woods’ Cadillac would bring in a fair dollar in auction,” said Smith. “We would then use those proceeds to fund important programs.”

(Source: PR Web)

17 Responses

  1. Sick!!!!!!!!!! Who would want an adulterers car??????????????? This is a shanda!!!! How low will a frum organization go?????

  2. Do these Lakewooders listen to the radio?This is so typical how sheltered we’ve made ourselves.Im dan them lcaf zchus that they dont know the story.I hope the media doesnt find out its a jewish organization.It looks so money hungry.

  3. Hashem Yirachem – our people trample every princple we hold dear, I am getting sick of this and waiting for a leader to lead those who want to follow the real Torah that was given to us!!!!

  4. #4 thats not the point.The fact is a frum organization which markets itself as “an all american charity” has no point getting involved in such a story.(even if there would be a chashash of a scandal.The “PR” money that would be made from this sale would going to our children?!

  5. i don’t see what’s wrong with this-it takes at least 2 days to get through to the agent and then get this story out on the wires-and at that time he was considered one of the most clean celebrities around

  6. #9

    Its nice to make stuff up but he was already caught once before! Go ahead change history and the facts – its done all the time…

  7. Is this really a “frum” organization? I am asking this seriously. This is an organization that advertises in so many cities and gives money to various groups. I have heard the jingle on WLS 890AM Chicago as well as WBBM 780 Chicago on many occasions. I know I’ve heard it on other stations as well. They are correct that it would bring in a chunck of change however he seems to have admitted his being mezaneh so one must ask if this is the type of gelt they want to have a connection to.

  8. The listeners to radio that hear this ad make fun of it. It sounds so corny. Those who find out that this is a Jewish organization just think negative about Jews.They play this jingle ad on Shabbos and Yom Tov also,which is not proper.They may do good but the IRS in the past has questioned such “tax-exempt” dontaions because of over-valueing the clunkers.

  9. perhaps the request for the car was made PRIOR to the news media breaking the rest of the story?

    don’t bash any person especially this hielige organization until u know all the facts to be 100% true & then 1st consult a rov that knows “hilchos bashing”

  10. you people have nothing better to do with your time???????????? go waste your time on other things but you have no right to put down an organization that does so much for klal yisroel!!! maybe you dont know the extent of their work and maybe its worth it to pay a little more attention and then you wont have such negative comments to make!!!

  11. # 13 Neighbors in the apartment houses on my block have their radios on and car radios from parked cars on the street can be heard easily and you can’t miss the ad with that jingle.

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