Urgent Legislative Alert Regarding Same-Gender Marriage In NYS

agudah.jpgOur information is that the New York State Senate is planning to vote today on a bill that would legalize same-gender marriage. This bill is both morally and legally unacceptable, and could lead to serious negative consequences. The bill has already passed the State Assembly and has the support of the Governor, so if it passes the Senate today it will become law.

We urge you to take a minute right now and:

1. Call Senate Democratic leader John Sampson at 518-455-2788. Tell whoever answers that the Senator should be told that our community is opposed to the passage of the same-sex marriage bill.

2.  Call Senate Republican leader Dean Skelos at 518-455-3171. Tell whoever answers that our community is watching closely how every Republican Senator votes on this defining issue, and that we ask Senate Minority Leader Skelos to do all in his power to assure that all Republicans stand firm against this bill.

3.  Please then pass this e-mail along to as many friends as you can who are likely to make similar calls.

Together, with siyata d’Shmaya, we can help defeat this pernicious legislation.

Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Esq., Executive Vice President Agudath Israel of America

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

13 Responses

  1. I find it interesting that we are being asked to call the Republican Leader and tell that we are closely watching how his members vote.I cant recall the last time any person of authority in our community supported a republican legislator.It seems silly to apply pressure to a party we never support.

  2. I just called Sampson’s and Skelos’ office. They both said they are also opposed to the bill.
    I told the secretary on the phone of Sampson that it’s not part of our Bible. He answered, “It’s not part of my Bible either.”
    Skelos’ office wondered why everyone is calling is they are adamantly opposed to it.

  3. One cannot reach Senator Sampson’s office. When reaching his voice mail, one is told that his voice mail box is full and no more messages can be recorded. Is there an alernate way to reach him – email perhaps?

  4. Am I missing something?
    When it comes time for elections we are told that “Da’as Torah” says you don’t have top take “moral Issues” into account, then when something like this happens we have to rally those we did’nt support to fight those we did support.
    Something does’nt make sense

  5. #1 – You might be mixing up NY with NJ, where they’d lick anyone’s boots for a little more money and a couple social programs (thats when gay marriage is ok)

  6. 7. what you said is complete loshen hara about a community of torah observant jews. The worst kind of loshen hara that exists! I live in lakewood, pay my taxes, and dont look for Gov. assistance. You sound completely ignorant and closed minded. their are bigger players in politics and they are playing diplomacy for the good of our nation. Our job is to listen to Daas Torah. That is what Hashem wants from us.

  7. With all due respect to number 7 but in Lakewood the vast majoriy chose to vote in the last elections for against Corzine precisleyt because of his stance on moral issues, I believe 62% went for Christie even though they stood to benefit from Corzines social programs. Kiddush Hashem in a true sense.

  8. As far as Sampson: He is actually “Democratic Conference Leader”, not the majority leader. His Albany office mailbox is full, but you can try his district office at Tel: (718) 649-7653.

    Malcolm A. Smith, Temporary President:
    District office: Tel: (718) 528-4290, Albany office: Tel: (518) 455-2701, Majority Leadership office: Tel: (212) 298-5585, e-mail: [email protected]

    Pedro Espada Jr., Majority Leader
    District office: Tel: (718) 220-5480, Albany Office: Tel: (518) 455-3395, e-mail: [email protected]

  9. #12, I am with you against Corzine. But, sincerely, I would like to know, as I have pondered with every election. How can we expect any candidate to be a vote in accordance with Daas Torah? It is a big problem. One example would be that ALL candidates are allowing the status quo on abortion, and partial birth abortion to remain. By voting for ANYONE, are we taking a stand on these issues by proxy of the candidate? I say that ANY vote taints us as no politician handles all issues in accordance with Daas Torah.

  10. #12 Daas Torah means you need to have a Rebbe and ask him your prsonal questions. That is what my husband and I did and we voted accordingly.

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