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Albany Ignores Governor’s Call To Close Budget Gap

paw3.jpgState legislative leaders look unlikely to reach an agreement soon to close New York’s budget deficit, one day after Governor David Paterson said he’ll take the necessary steps to ensure the state’s bills are paid next month.

Leading lawmakers say neither the State Senate nor the State Assembly have any legislation on this afternoon’s agendas.

Yesterday, the governor said he is taking $1.6 billion worth of temporary emergency measures, which includes shifting money from previously scheduled borrowing for capital projects.

In a conference call Sunday, Paterson once again called on lawmakers to adopt his deficit reduction plan or give him the power to do so.

“The sooner we start addressing this problem, the stronger and faster we can recover from it,” Paterson said in a Sunday conference call. “We are taking action and we have recently been taking action to reduce the deficit by nearly $1.6 billion. We will need the Legislature to close $1.5 billion because I think that would be the best way to remedy this problem.”

The governor is expected to unveil an updated version of his deficit reduction plan to the Legislature today, which still includes controversial cuts to public schools and hospitals.

(Source: NY1)

4 Responses

  1. The Democrats in the legislature can be complemented for their faith. They believe that Obama’s stimuli are turning the economy around so that within a few months, prosperity will return and tex revenues will soar to a level to support the existing level of spending. Patterson is revealing himself to be a heretic who focuses on real world factors instead of having faith in his party’s chosen one. As people of faith outselves, we should admire their ability to believe so totally in something, especially something that is so blatantly unreal.

    P.S. and guess who elected them, so should New Yorkers be blaming the guy in the mirror?

  2. akuperma, I didn’t elect him. You are revealing again your political persuasions. And to twist bitachon to mean we are supposed to put our trust in the Democrat Party is total apikorsus.

    The truth of the matter is the Democrat Party today is not the Democrat Party of even thirty years ago. The Democrat Party’s platform supports every type of social perversion that exists that is k’neged Hatorah never mind repugnant. And the Jews are choking under the tax burdens that the Democrats are placing upon them. No, all of Jews should stop placing our trust in the Democrat Party because the Democrats are not G-d.

    Instead, do what I do. Yes the Republicans have their faults. Take a look at what at Bloomberg. But, there are no radicals like the idiot in Chief.

    I believe very strongly that we Jews should break away from the Democrat Party. And I for one am determined to destroy the Jewish electoral base of the Democrat Party.

    Which is why I have been the victim of such hate speech, accusations, misogyny, and downright personal attacks as a way of intimidating me and trying to stop me. But, I refuse.

    I just keep on thinking that it was a democrat by the name of FDR and his undersecretary of state by the name of Breckringridge Long who barred my father and his whole family from lifesaving entry into the U.S. at the outbreak of WWII. Just remember that when you go vote the next time.

    I can’t stand the way akuperma you stick up for this white hating, Arab loving, Maoist radical by the name of Barack Hussein Obama. He is destroying this country and worsened the problems caused the “Community Re-investment Act”. But, you got to maintain control over the JEWS as a way of keeping the Democrats in power.

    I have already figured all of you out such as bacci40, you yourself, etc.

  3. rebshalom, Obama is not trying to correct the non-existent criminal behavior of Bush-Cheney. He was already talking on the campaign trail of spreading the wealth around. He nominated Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, a anti-white, man-hating woman.

    No, no it is not paranoia. Just look at the previous pages of this website how I have come under personal attack and how I have been singled out for attack. It is black and white unless you are blind, chas v’shalom.

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