Levaya Of 5-Year-Old Chaim Simcha Binyamin Loeb A”H

candle98.gifYWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of 5-year-old Refoel Chaim Simcha Binyamin ben R’ Mordechai Loeb; who was R”L sick for a while and was Niftar this past shabbos. The Levaya will be Sunday morning at 10:30 at Kahal Zichron Mordechai 9 Fosse Ct, in Monsey.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

10 Responses

  1. What a tragedy What a tragedy. There must have been thousands and thousand of tefilos said for this boy. May the tifilos be a zchus for him and his whole wonderful family,may they know of no more pain,only simchis in their family and the whole klal yisrael!

  2. Boruch dayan emes. Hamokom yenachem eschem b’soch sha’ar aveilei tziyon v’yerusholayim. May HKB”H give them a nechama. May we be zoche to greet Moshiach and witness Techiayas Hamaysim b’karov b’yomaynu.

  3. Also Big thanks for Achim Byached/Chai Lifeline Volunteers Hershey Kats Coordinator of Achim Byached (Hasidic Part of chai Life line) and the 2 Volunteers Yanky Spitzer , Aron Yosal Spilman that were there whole shabbose for shmurah and be with the family

  4. I dont understand how people have the Chutzpah to discuss personal details such as what the mother’s maiden name is?? This is a tragedy and the family deserves anonymity.

  5. justsmile you need to lighten up. This is a tragedy for all klal yisroel as was said at the levaya. People are trying to find out if they know the family. Sometimes tragedy brings people together more than at a Simcha. Just smile and daven we shouldn’t hear any more tzaros in klal yisroel.

    Refoel Chaim Simcha Binyamin ben R’ Mordechai Loeb IS AT 8 FOSSE COURT, MONSEY
    SHACHRIS 7:15
    MINCHA 1:45
    MARIV 8:00

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