Levaya Of Rav Yaakov Nayman ZATZAL

candle97.gifWe regret to inform you of the Petira of Rav Yaakov Nayman ZATZAL, one of the last living talmidim of the Brisker Rov.

Rav Nayman was Zoche to learn under the Brisker Rov, Rav Elchonon Wasserman HY”D in Branovitch, and Rav Leizer Yudel Finkel, the Mirrer Rosh Yeshiva.

He was a Rov in Chicago at Kehillas Adas Bnei Yisroel for close to 50 years, and then relocated to Lawrence, NY where he served as Rov in Bais Medrash HaRav for almost 20 years.

Rav Nayman was 100 years old.

The Levaya is scheduled for Sunday at 1:30PM in Yeshiva Shor Yoshuv, located at 1 Cedarlawn Avenue (Lawrence, NY).

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

16 Responses

  1. R’ Nayman did not just learn “under” R’ Elchonon Wasserman hy’d. R’ Nayman and R’ Elchonon were chavrusas for four and a half years. I heard this directly from him, as he was telling it to R’ Moshe Chodosh and R’ Elya Baruch Finkel in his shul one day before mincha.

  2. Fun der letzter Alter Mirrer – in less than a month – R Dovid Kviat, R Moshe Bunim Pirutinsky, now R Yankel Nayman!! Mee yeetain Lonu T’murosom!!

  3. BDE. Its sad that we are losing this generation of gadolim and those replacing them are unfortunately not of the madregah of Rav Nayman, ZL. When we have the kind of squabbling in the courts over who will lead a chassidus or who will control access to property, how can we compare some of today’s rabbonim to those of Rav Nayman’s generation.

  4. #3 — I think you need to be careful with the way you talk. Chazal say that Yiftach b’doro kiShmuel b’doro. Hashem sends the appropriate leaders for each generation. Of course we know that just as their is yeridas hadoros in the klal it is very possible for the same to occur in the gedolim, but sof sof our leaders are given by Hashem!

  5. to #3: I have never been able to understand why people need to denigrate others in a hesped. What was added by that gratuitous slap at other groups?

    to #5: I believe it means a talmid of the Rav from European times. That tekufa would’ve ended at least 20 years earlier.

    to #7: He was zoche to see R’ Chaim once. As R’ Chaim was nifter in 1918, and Rabbi Nayman was born in 1909 (although I spoke with an old friend of his (and reconfirmed it this morning) who had seen his papers in his home in Chicago, and he said Rabbi Nayman was born in April 1908) it is somewhat unlikely that he was actually a talmid of R’ Chaim.

  6. Rav nayman was indeed one of the jechidei segulah, lucid till his last days.
    to (7)- R’chaim brisker zz’l was niftar in 1920 or 1921- 88 years ago. I doubt that Rav Nayman was ever his talmid. on the other hand, there certainly are still talmidim of R’velvel alive today…some of who are not extremely old…

  7. r’ yakov learned by the “imrey moshe” who was rosh hayeshiva in the city of brisk . he also learned by the brisker rov with a small chabura of bochurim (who mostly came from the mirer yeshiva). one of the choshuv’e bochurim that learned there at that time was r’ ariye pomerantsyk who was the mechaber of the famous seforim “eimek berocho” and “toras zeroyim” – r’ yaakov and r’ aryeh learned bechavrusa for 7 years. i would like to know more about reb aryeh, who died at a very early age. if r’ yaakov per chance shared his memories with anyone about that era and particularly of reb arye, kindly contact me via this email – [email protected] .

  8. I think that a comment from a former talmid is necessary. Rav Nayman was a yochid be’doro in being madrech generations of talmidim in Chicago. He was a yochid in teaching and hasboro. And he was a yochid in the ahavas ha’Torah that he displayed and gave over to his beloved talmidim. And after all this, Rav Nayman was an unusually great Rav and manhig of a community of frum yidden when Chicago wasn’t as frum as it is today. Rav Nayman was highly instrumental in the establishment of Telz Yeshiva in Chicago. Chaval al d’ovdin v’lo mishtakchin. May his memory be a blessing for his choshuva family, dorod yeshorim mevorochim.

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