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Sholom Rubashkin Appeals Bail Denial

srubn1.jpgSholom Rubaskin, the former executive of Agriprocessors on Monday appealed a decision to deny him bail.

Attorneys for Rubashkin asked the court to impose additional conditions to ensure he does not flee before his still-undetermined sentencing date.

They urged U.S. District Chief Judge Linda Reade to consider more than 1,300 letters and e-mails of support, 43 homes worth more than $7 million offered as collateral from supporters, and letters from six rabbis who offered their Sifrei Torah in exchange for Rubashkin’s release.

Other suggested measures include curfew, home detention, home incarceration and 24-hour armed surveillance.

Rubashkin has surrendered his driver’s license, birth certificate and passport.

On Friday, Reade denied Rubashkin’s bail request. A Sioux Falls, S.D. jury convicted him two weeks ago on 86 counts of bank, mail and wire fraud, money laundering and failure to pay livestock providers in a timely manner. He faces a maximum of 1,255 years in prison.

Reade noted Rubashkin committed bank fraud while free on bail a year ago, and coupled with the jury’s verdict, prove to be “powerful incentives” for him to flee.

(Source: WCF Courier)

13 Responses

  1. רשעים
    the guy that took away jew’s lives and parnusah from mosdes Bernie Madoff only got 150 years but for this stupid bank fraud he got 1255

    רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים רשעים

  2. Sad that the two depressing news items of the Mumbai Chabad House and Rubashkin, are presented in one day. May the Holtzbergs’ infinite Zechuyos help Rubashkin in his plight. I’m sure in some way Rubashkin’s many acts of Chesed helped develop and further the cause of Chabad Houses. May the Holtzbergs help Rubashkin from Above.

  3. Can someone please explain something- I thought I understood the judicial system quite well. However, I never heard of “appealing” a ruling to the same court/ judge that issued the ruling in the first case!? Aren’t appeals filed with the next higher court up the ladder? It seems silly to ask a judge to agree that they were wrong the first time?

  4. He had a deal for seven years which meant he’d probably be out in five.

    Given the jury and judge that he faced , he should have taken it!

  5. Can someone explain to me how can someone with an ankle bracelet, armed guard, no Drivers license, no birth certificate, no passport and frankly no money, skip town?

  6. My fellow Jews. Be warned. There, but for the grace of G-D, go we.

    Any Jew is now fair game for denial of bail, based on the phoney argument that he may “run to Israel.”

    We are the only group in the country that is now victimized by “Racial Profiling.”

    (Remember, Obama warned us not to “Jump to conclusions” about the mass murderer in Fort Hood)

  7. Sinaipres–its called a private airplane with a one way ticket to Israel

    1255 people–that is the maximum possible for all charges assuming that they are ordered to run consecutively. They will probably be run concurrently so he will probably end up with 20. Federal sentencing guidelines give a minimum and a maximum.
    Again another case of the media blowing a situation out of proportion by not reporting the whole truth only that which they want people to hear. Maybe the author of this article can look up what the minimum sentence is for Mr. Rubashkin and in future articles (or chas v’shalom edit the current one) say that he could be scentenced to ___ to 1255 years.

  8. Lawyers act in the best interests of their billable hours under the guise of acting in the best interests of their clients. Coincidentally, a client’s best interests consume hundreds of billable hours. After the smoke from this trial clears, Rubashkin’s lawyer will be able to walk into any Lamborghini dealership and say, “Give me one in each color.”

  9. “It is very typical for bail to be denied to anyone who’s already been convicted and faces a significant amount of time.”–Anonymous (no. 10)

    Excuse me, but the judge specifically stated that her reason for denying bail was that he “would probably run to Israel” even before this conviction, when he was only being tried.

    Don’t be Melamed L’kaf Zechus with respect to this particular judge, Linda Reade, whose anti-Semitic conduct was painfully obvious throughout this trial.

    The defence attorneys and outside observers were shocked at her obvious and very blatant bias against Rubashkin.

  10. Excuse me, “anonymous,” you just ignored my main point–that judge Reade showed bias right from the start, at the arraignment.

    Evidently, notwithstanding your obvious familiarity with the judicial process, you did not follow the trial in detail.

    Had you done so, you would be familiar with all the reasonable defense motions that were denied and with all the defense witnesses who were denied the opportunity to testify for Rubashkin.

    You would have known about the obvious collusion and coordination between judge Reade (YS”V) andthe prosecutors, bordering on illegality.

    This was a star-chamber proceeding, worthy of the Soviet Union.

    Judge Linda Reade is an evil woman, a blatant anti-Semite. Stop trying to defend the indefensible!

  11. ‘There but for the grace of g-d goes I’ is not a jewish saying. Try to refrain from using it. Thanks, just a pet peeve I have.

  12. To #19. Thank G-d. We need more Jews blinded by a love for fellow jews. You on the other hand are blinded by your naivete of the Justice system and your self-righteousness.

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