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Yeshivas Ruach Chaim & Local Rabbonim Partner for Innovative Program on Tefilla

fckl.jpgFlatbush, Brooklyn – Yeshivas Ruach Chaim, led by its Rosh HaYeshiva, Harav Simcha HaKohen Klor shlit”a, and its Menahel, Rabbi Yeedle Berkowitz shlit”a, has been working with local Rabbonim and their kehillos to launch an innovative new program called “Tefillas HaRav.”  This program, the first of its kind, seeks to inspire yeshiva children with a timeless topic – Tefilla.  As is well known from the Gemara in Brachos 6b, the avodah of Tefilla needs great chizuk.  How many of us wish we could have been inspired when we were younger to have a greater appreciation for tefilla?  More importantly, how can we inspire and be mechanech our children as to the importance of their Tefillos – the Tefillos of tenokos shel bais rabbon – which are so desperately needed by Klal Yisroel, and desired by Hakodosh Baruch Hu?  A new program called Tefillas Harav hopes to address these and other topics surrounding Tefilla.

The Tefillas Harav program will consist of local Rabbonim and Rosh Kehillos coming to Yeshivas Ruach Chaim, periodically, to address the yeshiva talmidim on the topic of Tefilla.  The primary goal of this program is to instill an appreciation of Tefilla from those on the frontlines of this important avodah – The Rabbonim of the shuls themselves.  The program will offer the talmidim of the yeshiva a personal glimpse of these true role models while inspiring the talmidim to greater heights in the area of Tefilah.  As many of the speakers will be Rabbonim from the very shuls where these yeshiva talmidim  and their parents daven, the program sends a powerful message to children as to the importance of Tefilla, both from the perspective of the Yeshiva as well as their Rav.  The program will certainly bolster our children’s appreciation for kavod harav, and the hope is that their davening in Shul each Shabbos, as well as their daily Tefillos in Yeshiva, will be significantly enhanced.

Yeshivas Ruach Chaim was honored to have Hagaon Harav Faivel Cohen, shlit”a, moreh d’asra of Khal Tomchei Torah and mechaber of Sefer Badei Hashulchan as the inaugral speaker of the Tefilas HaRav program on Wednesday, Rosh Chodesh Kislev.  It is the yeshiva’s great hope and Tefilla that this new program will inspire our talmidim to new heights in the avodah of Tefilla.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. Yeshiva Ahavas Torah where Horav Alter Obermeister is the Menahel has been doing this for many years. Every month on Rosh Chodesh they bring in a guest speaker to address the children either at their Rosh Chodesh Seuda or after Mincha. They have had so many local Rabbonim, Roshei Yeshiva and even out of town Gedolim come to address the boys on Teffila and it has a tremendous impact on the Talmidim. They not only get exposure to Talmidei Chachomim but they get inspiration, Yedios and a sense of importance by listening to the words of various Rabbonim who in essence are reinforcing for the children what their Rabbeim teach them all the time.

    As a matter of fact, part of the enrichment program in that Yeshiva is a Biur Hateffila contest (which even though is a contest is part of the daily curriculum and the homework with weekly tests)where the boys from 3rd grade and up are learning Perush hamilos.

    A great program indeed. Kudos to Ahvas Torah for doing this for so many years and B”H others are joining.

    We need the teffilos of our Tinokos Shel Bais Rabbon

  2. What a beutiful showing of Achdus and explaining the importance of Tefillah to the Tinokos Shel Bais Rabom.

    I wish I had such a program growing up.

    Also, it is nice to see the local Rabonim getting involved in their mispallelim’s yeshiva and Chinuch.

    Kudos to all involved. Hatzlacha & may this program continue for years to come, with other Yeshivos following suit. This isnt a game of “I’m better than you, but a wonderful idea for all to follow.

  3. Considering the complaints some people have about the Rabbonim not being in touch with our youth, it’s nice to see the local yeshivos getting together with the local Rabbonim and the kids getting exposure to the Rabbonim. As parents, we all want to teach our children to look up to our Rabbonim and this type of program helps build that.

    This type of program is a win-win for everyone. I believe that when a Rebbe teaches his class a halacha/vort from a Gadol/Rav and the talmidim have actually met that Gadol/Rav in person, it has a stronger impact than if it’s just one more “rabbi” being quoted. Also, the Rabbonim who participate in these programs are building their own base/following as well. Particularly when these are Rabbonim “from the community.”

    This type of program should be instituted at every Yeshiva. In light of the teens-at-risk crisis, we should try to do everything we can to provide our kids with as strong a kesher as possible with our Rabbonim.

    Kudos again to Ruach Chaim (and apparently Ahavas Torah – as per Comment #1) for thinking of this type of program.

  4. Over the last few weeks, Reb Eliezer Ginsburg Shlita has been addressing the topic of Tefilla in general. It is not only for the Tinokos shel Bais Rabbon but it also each and every frum yid to establish a way to strengthen their own tefilah. A suggestion was made that before going back the three (3) steps at the end of davening shmone esrei to add a tefilla asking ribono shel olom to help someone in need of parnosha, refuah, hatzlocha and whatever else may be needed for a friend or even better a stranger. My we all bring the geula shelayma bimheiro beyomainu AMEN

  5. the book “Praying with fire” from Artscroll has been out for a few years. This is nothing new but anything to help our children daven better is a wonderful zach.

  6. Other than a nice Chinuch issue, is there a Makkar anywhere in Chazal about the chashivus of Tefillasan shel Tinokos shel beis rabban? Serious question here.

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