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Radiation Leak Investigated at Three Mile Island

3mi.jpgWashington – Federal officials are investigating a radiation leak at Three Mile Island, scene of the worst U.S. nuclear power accident, but said on Sunday there was no threat to public health or safety.

Investigators were trying to determine the cause of radiological contamination inside the nuclear facility’s containment building on Saturday afternoon.

About 150 people were working in a TMI containment building when the contamination was detected and some were exposed to low levels of radiation, a Nuclear Regulatory Commission spokesman said.

“Based on the information that was provided to us by the company, the level of the dose they received was a small fraction of the NRC’s regulatory limit,” spokeswoman Diane Screnci said in a telephone interview.

The NRC sent a radiation specialist and a regional manager to the site on Sunday to review the company’s assessment. “There was no impact on public health and safety,” Screnci said.

Three Mile Island operator, Exelon, said no contamination was found outside the containment building.

(Source: Reuters)

4 Responses

  1. “they were exposed to low levels” Yes I understand the reason behind saying this – in order not to cause a panic. But I just hope we don’t hear in a few years that all those exposed have have developed cancer.

  2. #2, stzc, very good point. “Exposed to low levels” is a bogus way for the nukers to handle the public relations. Even “low levels” are not safe because they are added to “existing levels” that accumulate in the body. This gets me mad as every time health professionals request a “routine x-ray” which are at “such small levels”, they are being deceptive because in any scientific field, they know build-up is a factor. Unless someone detoxifies via an MD, that stuff stays and can tip the scale in a bad way, heaven forbid a million times.

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