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PHOTOS: FDNY & Flatbush Hatzolah Rescue 100 Year-Old Man From Fire

hf8.jpgPHOTO LINK BELOW: Thanks to the quick response and heroic actions of the FDNY & Flatbush Hatzolah members, an elderly man and a woman were pulled to safety on Monday morning.

There were no flames upon the arrival of FDNY & Hatzolah at the private residence located on East 10th Street Avenue M in Flatbush, but smoke could be seen pouring from the home.

With neighbors watching in awe, the FDNY and three Hatzolah members ran up the stairs, and pulled an elderly woman to safety. She told rescue personnel that her 100-year-old husband was still inside the structure, so firefighters rushed back inside to search the home. They returned to the front door seconds later carrying the elderly man, and handed him to Hatzolah members.

He was placed in an arriving Hatzolah ambulance, and paramedics attended to both victims.

The FDNY quickly found the source of the fire and placed it under control in a few minutes. 

Both victims were transported to the hospital suffering from smoke inhalation.

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN)

4 Responses

  1. I would personally like to thank the FDNY and Hatzolah for doing a wonderful job. Those are my grandparents you rescused!! Thank you so much for all your hard work!

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