NY Daily News: What Bloomberg Hid From Voters During Election Season

bloe2.jpgHere’s what you missed while Mayor Bloomberg was running for a third term – because he kept it under wraps until after the ballots were counted:

•The city budget deficit isn’t as bad as he said.

•The NYPD was quietly exempted from the budget cuts at almost every other agency.

•A $60 million tax loss that gave Bloomberg a soap box to rail against the state Senate has magically vanished.

But that’s all just numbers. What really drives the point home is the photo of Bloomberg and Sarah Palin hanging around in City Hall.

The picture – and six others – was shot Oct. 10, 2007, when the then-governor of Alaska was on a visit to New York.

Bloomberg hosts visiting pols all the time for short meet-and-greets, and nobody knew at the time that, a year later, Palin would become a controversial Republican icon.

The photos might have been inconvenient for Bloomberg while he was running against Democrat Bill Thompson in a heavily Democratic city, but they belong to the taxpayers.

The Daily News asked for copies of the photographs July 8. Under the state Freedom of Information Law, Bloomberg’s lawyer Anthony Crowell had to respond within five days.

He handed them over two weeks after the election.

“There is simply no good reason for delaying disclosure,” said the state’s top public records watchdog, Robert Freeman, of the Committee on Open Government. “Embarrassment is not one of the grounds.”

(Source: NY Daily News)

4 Responses

  1. What about the real estate tax hike YWN reported last week? Why haven’t I heard about it from any other source? Is it true? Did it happen or is it about to happen? Before the election I thought he said there would NOT be any tax hikes!

  2. go bloomie go!

    you da man!! willie’s da sham!

    ra ra ra, sis boom bah.

    this is the level of intelligence of anyone still living in NYC.

    I grew up there and left at 18 to go to yeshiva, Mizmor l’Soda. You could give me all of bloomy’s m(B?)illions and I would still never live in that mizballah (municipal oversized garbage bin).

  3. agav it is funny that the mayor of nu, get outta my wa yawk’s name is ‘Flower Mountain’. Ha! THe aibishter has a real good sense of humor.

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