NYC: Shared Taxi Pilot Program To Launch Next Month

taxi.jpgA plan for shared taxi rides in the city is close to launching.

The Taxi and Limousine Commissioner says the pilot program should be ready to roll out next month.

The plan announced and approved in May allows cabs to take multiple passengers at a flat rate from designated pick up spots during the morning rush. Passengers can be dropped off on the way downtown, with no pickups allowed along the way.

Pickup locations are expected to be 57th and Eighth Avenue, and 72nd Street at both Third Avenue and Columbus Avenue.

The plan is being billed as a way of clearing congested streets, saving riders cash, and earning drivers more money.

(Source: NY1)

3 Responses

  1. A program for pilots to share a taxi to get lunch? Okay, not a bad idea. The stimulus plan is more intricate that I thought.

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