Legal Seminar for Rabbonim & Shul Officers at Agudah Convention

agudah8.jpgAgudath Israel of America’s 87th National Convention will be hosting a legal seminar for rabbonim and shul officers on Friday morning, November 27, 2009, from 10:15 to 11:45am. The workshop will address common legal issues that affect shuls.

The seminar will be addressed by: Jacob I. Friedman, Esq., Partner, Proskauer Rose LLP; Jay A. Friedman, Esq., Managing Director & Tax Counsel, Goldman Sachs, Inc.; and Baruch S. Gottesman, Esq., Partner, Gottesman Consulting, Inc. The topics to be discussed will include: charitable contributions, parsonage, the differences between a religious corporation and a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation, permitted activities in which a shul may engage, tax exempt qualification and activities that may jeopardize such qualification, the taxability of unrelated business income, record keeping and required filings.

The seminar will take place at the Hilton East Brunswick, 3 Tower Center Boulevard, East Brunswick, NJ. The seminar, like all convention sessions, is free of charge. CPE credit will be available for accountants in attendance. 

Those interested in registering for this event can email [email protected] or call 212-797-9000 ext. 306.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. Agudah: I don’t know what Klal Yisroel would do without you from saving Shechita in America, to saving mitzitza b’peh at brissim & especially for saving the klal millions of dollars on tuition! Yasher Koach!

  2. I’m old enough to remember what the Agudah did for yeshiva students during the Vietnam war when many congessmen wanted to limit the draft exemption for seminary students. Saved hundreds of bachurim from being drafted. The Agudah organizations in each country where it operates accomplishes golas that are current in that country, quietly and without fanfare. All they ask from Klal Yisroel is recognition and appreciation.

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