UPDATED: BD”H Petira of Adira Boltshauser A”H, Wife Of YWN Israel Photographer

candle911.gifUPDATE: We regret to inform you that Chaya Adira Chana bas Shoshana Boltshauser was niftar this morning following 20 minutes of attempted recitation by the ICU staff at Assaf HaRofeh Hospital. Please continue to do whatever you were doing for her leilui nishmasa. The levayah will be later today. We will post details as soon as they are finalized.

May we share only in simchas.

Original Article:

Wife Of YWN Israel Photographer In Critical Condition; Baby Is B”H Stable

Please take a moment to read the following, and be Mispallel for the wife of YWN Israel Photographer Yehuda Boltshauser, who is R”L listed in critical condition.

The following was written by Yehuda:

First and foremost, I want to thank HaKadosh Baruch Hu for all the amazing miracles, both large and small that he has sent our way over the past 24 hours. I have no doubt that it is due to your tefillos combined with the tens of thousands of people in our extended family of klal yisroel around the world who are reciting tehilim, organizing learning, accepting kabbalos, donating tzedakah, and making shalom in the zechus of my wife Adira’s recovery.

At the present moment, my wife Adira is still in a complete coma with a large hemorrhage in her brain at the ICU at Assaf HaRofeh Hospital. We are right now in consultation with leading medical askanim and neurosurgeons together with da’as torah to determine what the next step will me. Her vitals are Baruch Hashem stable, but she is listed in critical condition and is very much still in need of your tefilos. Her current ICU diagnosis is Intracerebral Hemorrhage, Convulsions, Elevated ICP, and Eclampsia.

Please continue to daven for: Chaya Adira Chana bas Shoshana

She is slated to undergo neurosurgery again in the next few hours to insert a stint in an attempt to ease some of the pressure in her brain.


On a happier note, while the baby is still in the ICU, she is off the machines and is in a stable condition and very much alive. Please see and draw chizuk from the photo posted. However, as she is still in the ICU, please continue to daven for Tinokes bas Chaya Adira Chana.

I would also like to thank the hundreds of people who assisted us at the hospital in various ways over the past 24 hours, many of which have slept less than 2 hours since Sunday morning, like myself. May we have a month filled with chaim tovim and shalom!

Yehuda Boltshauser

Additional Excerpts: Adira had a couple of weeks to go until her due date, when she went into sudden seizures on Sunday evening….. At this point the mobile ICU unit had arrived and were attempting to stabilize her. I was standing on the side in tears saying tehilim as I put together a bag of things and documents to take with me to the hospital.

Just as they were about to transport her to the ambulance, she experienced another seizure, through which she was conscious and visibly trying to fight it. In order to stabilize her, the medics gave her a sedative. We were about 10 minutes out of the hospital when Adira stopped breathing, which meant that the baby was not receiving any oxygen as well. I heard the doctor tell the medic that the baby might not make it. The medic then yelled over to the driver “turn this thing into an airplane!” We arrived at the hospital with literally seconds to spare, bypassing the ER and storming the cafeteria right in to the OR, where a whole staff was prepped and waiting.

Within five minutes of entering the hospital, they preformed a emergency C-section and were able to stabilize the baby. While Adira was still under from the surgery, she was still experiencing spontaneous seizures. To that end, they ran a battery of tests to determine the cause of the seizures. At this point, the baby, which was born in shock, was transferred to the  pre-natal ICU. At the same time, Adira was transferred to the ICU in a different building, which meant that I had to run back and forth in between the two. Thankfully, some close family friends drove to the hospital with some things and are still here to assist 22 hours later. They soon learned that the high protein levels and her high blood pressure was the cause for the seizures. We were made to wait outside as we davened and waited for the results of the CT scan.

We were soon informed that the CT scan showed bleeding in her brain, which was putting pressure on the cerebral cortex. Being that she was still under the influence of the medications administered during the operation and since her vitals were stable, we decided to wait it out for two hours, while on the phone the whole time with medical askanim and our distraught family. The good news was that she was not in a total comatose state, as she responded to extreme pain.

At 830 in the morning, they preformed neurosurgery to insert a “bolt” into her cortex to measure the pressure in her brain. The procedure thankfully went without any complications, but a second CT scan showed that the hemorrhage was larger than previously thought. Additionally, she slipped into a full coma, though the seizures seized. It was decided to wait while we consulted with leading medical experts and askanim.

On a personal note, I am convinced that there is hope and that Adira can here me. After my tears would dry out as I sat by her side talking to her and reciting tehilim, I would go to visit our baby. The best way to describe the extreme differences between the pain and the joy is similar to that of fire and ice. I just keep thanking Hashem for all the good that he has done and that which he will do.

At a meeting in the conference rooms with the doctors, they informed us that they would do everything in their power despite their view that there was no hope on a clinical level. We were  quick to point out that people have come out of comas in the past and that we have the power of prayer – Hashem has the koach to preform miracles, to which they replied “We do not believe in miracles, though we do admit that once in a while we make mistakes” to which Rabbi Zev Leff quipped back “The very fact that you are a doctor who admits that he can make mistakes is in itself a miracle., but don’t let your ego get to you and be open to the reality that miracles do occur.” And indeed, we are praying for one.

My maggid shiur in Lakewood East, Rabbi Menachem Field came in to visit. Learning with him was not only a zechus for the refuah of Adira but also helped my mind off the situation for a little while. Additionally, it is amazing how many people are coming to the hospital offering meals and assistance. Mi k’amcha Yisroel?


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

136 Responses

  1. What is the hebrew name of Adira’s mother? It sounds like eclampsia but how did this happen? This is a horrible nightmare!!

  2. Torasainu Hakadosha gave r’shuse to doctors to heal, not to pronounce death sentences. They are mere shluchim. B’ezras Hashem Chaya Adira Chana bas Shoshana will have a refuah shlaima.

  3. It is very important you keep on talking to your wife because she can hear and get chizuk from good news. Tell her the baby is beautiful and healthy and other positive things. From other cases we know that when the person came out of the coma, they said that they heard everything and that it meant a lot to them. If possible, the talking should be continuous (unless they can discern when she is sleeping) by a close friend saying stories (anything) that would give her chaishek to get up. (She should want to [and know that she can] get up.)

    A refuah shleima.

  4. May Chaya Adira Chana bas Shoshana have a refua shelaima, and may Tinokes bas Chaya Adira Chana be zoche to good health.

  5. #7 – it’s Chaya Adira Chana bas Shoshana. (And Tinokes Bas Chaya Adira Chana).

    I have, through my wife, organized at least 25 women who are saying Tehilim for them, and a few friends as well.

    I call on others to do the same.

    My wife was hospitalized for 5 days for a very major surgery on her ankle, a year ago. While the ankle is quite less critical than the brain, I remember how difficult it was for me and how tense I was.

    Let’s focus on saying Tehilim, supporting Yehuda in this most difficult time, and just do all we can to help.

  6. Yehuda, you know me and I know you. I’ve worked with you on YW and for Mishpacha magazine. Chazak V’amatz. We are with you. May she experience a refuah shelaima b’karov.

  7. Yehuda, your emunah is nothing short of amazing.

    I’H everything will be fine, and your wife will attend the kidush for your dauther in a few weeks.


  8. my mother was pregnant with my sister when she had a hemorrage like this, she got stable was in a coma for over a month and the baby was born and she was fine, may Hashem send full recovery to Chaya Adira Chana bas Shoshana

  9. yehuda i only know you from the photos ive seen on ywn.

    just wanted to let you know that i organized a minyan for tehillim tonight in my shul for an hr.

    chazek ve’ematz and refua shilema

  10. I don’t usually post, however after reading this I just had to.a few years ago I was visiting a relative of mine who was in a coma, when the doctor walked I asked him, when will my relative come out of his coma? The doctor replied NEVER sure enough with in a short while he did wake up!!!! Your wife and child should have a complete recovery in no time!!!

  11. One of the segulos that klal yisroel did for chaim dovid ben leah who was very ill with swine flu was to light candles 5 minutes earlier. although lo oleinu he was sitting shiva last week, he b”h is much better. Will everybody who sees this again institute the lighting of shabbos candles 5 minutes earlier for chaya adira chana bas shoshana and her baby tinokes bas chaya adira chana> Please all our tefilos will help them and in the zchus of hundreds of women who are mikabel shabbos 5 minutes earlier and add to kedushas hashabbos, they will surely merit a refuah sheleima quickly iyh b’sd.

  12. Dear Adira,

    We are all davening for you and keeping you in our hearts and tefilos! May Hashem give you a speedy recovery.

    Mazel Tov on your baby!

  13. We have been davening and saying Tehillim for Adira and the baby here in Kiryat Sefer. It touched us so deeply that one of our own neighbors and friends is in such a horrible tza’arah. May Chaya Adira Chana bas Shoshana and Tinokes bas Chaya Adirah Chana have a speedy refuah shelaima, and may we see them soon, healthy and well. Please let us know if we can do anything for you.

  14. Adira, we are all davening to Hashem to send you a complete refuah shelaima. We are spreading your name to everyone we know to daven, and we know that you will recover and continue being the greatest person that you are.
    Your friends from Lakewood

  15. Submitted by a YWN correspondent in Australia: Please let Yehuda Boltshauser know that we just made a mi sheberach for his wife at leining Tuesday morning rosh chodesh here.

    Refuos and yeshuos and a gut chodesh!

  16. My younger brother was in a coma for a week. The doctors spoke of him in the past tense. They said even if he somehow survives, he won’t be brain healthy.
    Two days later he awoke, and returned to full capacity. Rofei Cholei Amo Yisroel…
    Only Hashem can help- don’t lose bitachon! Tefilos, zchuyos, and brachos from Tzadikim.
    Our hearts are with you, Yehuda.

  17. how can i get my name added to the list of people saying tehillim? i know i can say it on my own, but if there are pecific p’raki that i should say, i would like to know.

  18. To YB,
    Just ignore their comments about “no hope on a clinical level”. People in the medical field do this all the time, so not to give false hope. They don’t want people coming to them with taanos if the person doesn’t make it by saying you said the patient had a chance- how come you let the person die? It’s only problematic if they say they don’t want to treat anymore. What I tell people is- hope and pray for the best, but prepare for the worse.

  19. To flatbush Bubby,
    Yea, it sounds like eclampsia which progressed from pre-eclampsia. Read my comments in the coffee room under “Recognizing a Stroke”.

  20. Refuah Shelaima to your wife Chaya Adira Chana bas Shoshana. My daughter is reading Tehillim at this moment and will reed tomorrow with her class.
    Yated Neeman photographer.

  21. Mee Ka’Amcha Yisroel. Everyone is so concerned about this woman. Most of the people don’t know her or her family at all but we all are pained by what she & her family are going through. May the Achdus & the V’Uhavta L’Raiacha Ku’Moicha that is taking place be a Zchus for Chaya Adira Chana Bas Shoshana that she have a Refuah Shlaima & speedy recovery.

  22. This is SO heartbreaking! May she have a Refuah Sheleima Bekarov! Yehuda, stay strong. It might also be time for everyone to STOP for a second and just appreciate that everything went NORMAL for yourself and your family today. We really do forget that nothing is ever just normal. Everything is a chesed from Hashem. Just reading some of the things that have been going on this week to young people should make everyone gasp and stop in their tracks. We are not robots. We need to think, thank & appreciate. Do it now. Thank Hashem that it was just a normal day. May it be a zechus for Adira.

  23. May Hashem send Adira a complete and speedy recovery soon! Bigger miracles have happened, I have witnessed them myself. Keep the faith and be strong. You will see that she will have a refuah shelamah and be back to herself before you know it. Hashem is the only one to decide when a person gets better not the doctors. Just keep the emunah!! All the best and continue the faith!!

  24. IY”H B”N I am attending a women’s Amayn / Tehilim group on Tuesday, Rosh Chodesh.

    I will keep the names in mind, that Hashem should please grant a Refuah Shelaymah Mehayrah to both the mother and daughter.

    May Hashem grant that we should hear only good news about them, soon!

  25. Refuah Shleima. May we only here bsoros tovos. A close relative had a cerebral hemmorhage and although scans were very bad, he had a 99% recovery shortly thereafter.

  26. I experienced eclampsia when my oldest was born. I remember having the seizures. After an emergency c-section my daughter and I were both on a respirator. B”H it didn’t take long before we were both discharged from the hospital. I”H your wife and daughter will be home with you soon. I’ll say tehilim 46-56.

  27. Hashem heals all he gives the power to the doctor to make it look like hes doing the refua, since this is the case a doctor is not allowed to make predictions, statistics play zero role here hashem does 100% of the healing ingrain this in your thoughts and your very being, dont be fazed by anything the doctors say its just you and hashem and you’ll see you will see open miracles Amen

  28. I will say b’ezrat Hashem, Kuf Yud through Kuf Yud Tes- 110-119- daily starting from Tuesday, November 17th, Rosh Chodesh Kislev- until we get the wonderful news that both mother and daughter have a Refuah Shlayma B’karov.

  29. ok, so let’s organize this,
    if anyone else wants to say, we still have some slots available.
    Anonymous 11:22 1-10
    YW Editor: 11-20
    smart2: 21-30
    duddyn: 31-40
    tziporai: 41-50
    mother of 5: 51-60
    me of course:61-70
    seedys: 111-120

  30. I will give tzedakah in your wife and daughters name for aRefuah Shlayma for them. I am also going to Flatbush today and I will bring both of their names to give to Rabbi Scheinberg. May we all only celebrate Simchas together.

  31. To “me of course” #62-
    CORRECTIONS ON YOUR “let’s organize this”

    Please see me- #59 seedys- saying 110-119 (not 111-120)

    Please see #53 superdun- is saying 120-130 (not 121-130)

  32. could anyone write out for themself a list of all the kapitalach that are being said already and post which ones still need to be said.
    Tiske L’mitzvos

  33. Please remove the obscene and hateful comment by #7 Imamofberlin who is using someone else’s tzoros to further his agenda.

  34. Yehuda, in the zchus of your emuna and bitachon and the great achdus and kiddush hashem which you have generated, may your wife and child be zocheh to a REFUAH SHILAIMA!

  35. BS”D

    Ran to shul this morning to make sure misheberach was said for Chaya Adira Chana bas Shoshanna and will do so tomorrow and Thurs and Shabbos as well. Will say perek 119 if not taken. Alternately pls start 2nd chain and give me 119 or a group of prakim.

    Refuah shelema NOW!

    -The giant ursine.

  36. Yehuda, I am sending you positive thoughts, and please stay strong!! I want you to know that the Aibishter is a Kol Yochol, and pulled my sister in law out of a full coma AFTER 7 MONTHS….. Draw strength,, I await your good news.

  37. Baruch Dayin Ha’emmes.
    May she be a maylitz Yosher for Yehuda, their mishpachos and for all of Klal Yisroel. Hamkom Yinachem eschem bsoch sha’ar aveilei tzion V’Yirushalayim. Yehdua, we are with you in your tzara. May you and your daughter only know joy from this day on.

  38. We are distraught that our tefillos were answered in the negative, baruch dayan ha’emes. May the family be given the strength to continue and may they experience only good.

    Even so, it was distressing to see so many irresponsibly foolish negative comments about physicians, their capabilities and their clinical assessmnets. If someone thinks that physicians don’t know anything, then stop using them.

  39. הלוויתה של האשה מרת חיה אדירה חנה תתקיים היום בשעה 17:00 בבית העלמין ביישוב באר יעקב, שם תיטמן לצד חמותה, מרת בולטסהוזער ע”ה, שנפטרה אף היא בפתאומיות, לפני כחודשיים

  40. Boruch Dayan HaEmemes.
    YWN, could you please tell us how we in Baltimore can listen in to the levaya?
    This is a terrible tragedy for all of Klal Yisrael and the Baltimore community in particular who knows Yehuda so well. May Hashem be Mnacheim you and give you Chizuk.

  41. there are no proper words to say. baruch dayan emes. may mashiach come and bring us out of these painful times. May we see the signs and change ourselves so we can be zoche.

  42. Baruch Dayan Ho’emmes. What a tragedy. She brought a daughter into this world and left for a better world. May HKBH send Kochos & Nechomos to her husband and family. May the baby grow up to bring Nachas to her father.
    May the incredibly beautiful way how YWN readers united to say Tehillim and showed their care bring her neshomoh true menuchoh and may she be a melitza yeshoroh for all of us.

  43. BD”H. it’s very hard for us to accept this news. but we must understand that this is what Hashem wanted and probably is the best for her. may Hashem give Yehuda much koach to get over this and bring up his son letorah, lechuppa ulemaasim tovim happily healthily and he should see lots of nachas from his dear son.

  44. From Facebook Group Message:


    From Adira’s husband, Yehuda Boltshauser:

    We regret to inform you that Chaya Adira Chana bas Shoshana Boltshauser was Niftar (passed away) 10 minutes ago, following 20 minutes of attempted recitation by the ICU staff at Assaf HaRofeh Hospital.

    Please continue to do whatever you were doing for her, Leilui Nishmasa (to elevate her soul).

    The Levayah (funeral) will be later today.

    Contact Mrs. Auerbach at 054-672-0276 or Mr. Hazen at 054-672-0303 for details.

    Gut Chodesh, and may we share only in Simchas (happy things).

    Thank you all so much for taking on so many Mitzvos in her merit. Even though she passed away, each and every prayer was heard and made a difference.

    Please also continue to daven for Tinokes b-s Chaya Adira Chana.

  45. baruch dayan haemes! I mamish don’t know what to say! how shocking & sad! Yehuda, I can’t imagine how hard this must be for you…and such confusion of simcha and sorrow….Hashem should give you lots of koach….please post your full name so we can daven for you! Hamakom yenachem eschem b’soch shaar avley tzion v’yerushalayim…

  46. BS”D

    BDE. I would have wanted to say perek 119 during the levaya; however I did not know of this news until now and it is after shkia.

    Therefore, BN I will recite perek 119 every day starting from chatzois tonight until the end of the shloishim.

    Also BN I will learn mishnayois Nedorim leilui nishmasa if there is a YWN chain.

    If possible could someone pls post Chaya Adira AH’s father’s name? Does Chaya remain a part of her name in the family’s minhag?


  47. Yehuda, we have you in our hearts and prayers.
    May Hashem give you the strength to carry on and do his Ratzon. We are crying for you. May our tears and your tears go up to Shamayim and may Hashem see them and have mercy on His people. Hamakom yenachem eschem b’soch shaar availey tzion v’yerushalayim.

  48. With tears in my eyes I write this,I just spent shabbos with adiras parents dr and mrs miller from Lakewood. They are from the nicest happiest people I know. They were so proud that their daughter and son in law were living in erets yisrael learning in kollel. They were having their first grand child. But in one min their whole entire life was turned over. May hashem give the whole miller family and yehuda all the strength to keep on going and may we know of no more pain and mashiach should come now.

  49. what a special wonderful person she was… i feel so fotunate to have known her.
    May her family have a true Nechama and may all her zchusim be an aliyah for her lofty neshama.

  50. Boruch Dayan Haemes.
    ויבולע המוות לנצח, ומחה ה’ דמעה מעל כל פנים.
    The tears are flowing from themselves…

  51. Baruch Dayin Emmes. Hamkom Yinachem eschem bsoch sha’ar aveilei tzion V’Yirushalayim.

    Yehdua, your friends in Baltimoree have you in our Tefillos.

    Barry S.

  52. Gevalt! So sorry to hear this news. My wife said tehillim over the past 2 days. We were so sad to hear this.

    Reading through these comments I have gotten so much chizuk about Am Yisrael. So beautiful to see numerous offers to read tehillim etc etc.


  53. I know Adira since she was a little girl growing up in Yardley PA. She was such a beautiful and heartfelt person. Always had a smile and an eagerness to listen and just schmooze. You will be missed. My heart goes out to Yehuda, Dr. and Mrs. Miller, and nate. may Chaya Adira Chana cry for us down here and convince the Almighty to rescue us from galus and bring moshiach bekarov.
    Hamakom Yinachem eschem bsoch sha’ar avlei tzion v’yerushalayim

  54. Even though I didn’t know Adira or her family, I felt myself crying when I saw the news. Hearing something like this is a loss for us all. May Yehuda and everyone else who was close to her have strength to get through this hard time, and may Hashem give comfort to all of Klal Yisrael. Barach Dayan HaEmes.

  55. I, as the rest of klal yisroel, am absolutly heartbroken. What a special neshama and what a tragedy. We dont know Hashem’s ways but He is a kind and loving father. May you and the rest of klal yisroel who is in pain with you have nechama and chizuk. We should be zoceh to moshiach bikarov bimihara!

  56. Yehuda, the faculty and staff at TDSA,are crying for you and your precious tinokes; so many of us here in Atlanta remember when you were here. Hashem should give you strength to carry on and raise your daughter to be a special bas Torah. Hamakom yenachem eschem besoch sha’ar avelei tzion v’yerushalayim.

  57. this geziarah has caused me to take davening with a minyan seriously and i continue to do so since the petirah. beforehand this was hard for me. may it be a zchus for the nifteres.

    i will continue to be careful from now on .
    i write this to encourage others to post to give chizuk to all who visit this page which probably includes family members also, as i feel this will help give them some measure of nechama, seeing just how many maasim tovim ths tzara has brought klal yisroel.

  58. #133 – “this geziarah has caused me to take davening with a minyan seriously and i continue to do so since the petirah. beforehand this was hard for me. may it be a zchus for the nifteres.

    i will continue to be careful from now on .”

    Same for me – I feel exactly the same. I, too, have had some ‘minyan troubles’ recently and decided to be much stricter with myself now. Exactly the same. Instead of making me weaker, this makes me stronger, in knowing we can only rely on HaKodosh Boruch Hu for everything.

  59. Adira… u were a special person! tho we never kept my much in touch, I really admired you! my heart breaks with this news for the suffering of all those close to u and for the fact that you won’t be able to be in this world to be the amazing mother u would be. But my comfort is knowing that u are in a special place near the kisai hakavod being well taken care of…

  60. yehuda stated today that she was named rochel becuase rochel imeinu was moiser nefesh for binyomin, adira because the baby is bli a’h strong, and chana for her chein.

    he blessed klal yisroel that we should continue to be united for simchas and for the coming of moshiach soon , as we have united to daven for his wife a”h and his daughter tbl”ch.


  61. Dear yehuda; words cannot fully express how i feel. i sobbed crying when i first heard of the situation. it caused me to davan with lots of extra kavana. i’m crying now,even as i type this. we all feel and share your pain . wishing you and your daughter only brochas and simchas ahead in life. Hamakom yinachem eschem b’soch sharei tzion virushalayim.

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